The Outer Banks Barrier Islands Cape Hatteras
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
1870 – the lighthouse is completed, 1500 feet away from the shoreline 1919 – ocean advances to 300 feet from lighthouse
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse (early 1900s)
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse 1870 – the lighthouse is completed, 1500 feet away from the shoreline 1919 – ocean advances to within 300 feet of lighthouse 1930 – 900 feet of steel groins are placed along shoreline to protect the lighthouse 1935 – ocean advances to within 100 feet of lighthouse
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
1966 – 312,000 cubic yards of sand are pumped onto the beach 1973 – 1,300,000 cubic yards of sand are pumped onto the beach 1980 – ocean advances to within 75 feet of lighthouse
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
What is the solution to this problem?
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse 1966 – 312,000 cubic yards of sand are pumped onto the beach 1973 – 1,300,000 cubic yards of sand are pumped onto the beach 1980 – ocean advances to 50 feet from lighthouse 1999 – lighthouse moved 1500 feet back from the ocean
During Relocation
I got 99 problems, but a beach ain’t one!
What do you think? The relocation efforts cost about $12 million Was this the right decision?
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