Employee / Employer Self Service An Introduction to Premier ESS
ESS allows the employee access to a range of information stored within the payroll. Some of the information you may have access to includes : Viewing and editing of personal information Viewing, editing and adding details of family members Viewing of leave balance and applying for leave Viewing of payslips and exporting to various formats e.g. PDF Viewing of IRP5 and exporting to various formats e.g. PDF Claims application
Activating your ESS account BBefore you can use the ESS application, you need to activate your ESS user account. TThe payroll / HR department will send you an activation , similar to that shown on the next slide. TThe has an activation link as well as details of the information that you will be required to enter to complete the activation process. VVery Important: Do NOT forward this to your colleagues, as it contains a unique link to your employee record in the payroll system.
Activating your ESS account To complete the activation process, click on the link contained in the . This will direct you to the account activation screen:
Employee Summary screen Navigator bar Menu The user has the option of either using the menu (on the left-hand side of the webpage) or those in the Navigation Bar (above the content area). The available options will depend on the features which your payroll / HR department have selected to activate for you.
Personal Details Personal Details Emergency Contact Details Banking Details Reporting Address Residential Address (required by the Receiver of Revenue in RSA) Postal Address (required by the Receiver of Revenue in RSA) Other details
Leave From the Leave options on the menu, there are three items available: Apply for Leave Leave In Progress Leave Balances Videos (How to apply apply for leave & attachment & Cancel posted leave
Passwords & Usernames IIf the ESS user enters the incorrect username and/or password, they will receive a message on the login screen: Your username and/or password is not valid. IIf the wrong password is entered wrong more than 3 times then the user’s account will be locked out. TThe account can only be unlocked by the administrator SShould a user have forgotten their username then they must query the administrator to provide them with their username.
Forgotten your password
This will open the Forgot Your Password screen Enter your username and address (as held in the ESS database). The system will validate that the username and address as the same as those held in the ESS database. If these validate, then a new password will be automatically ed to the user. TIP: Once you’ve received your password, please change it back to something you will remember
Forgotten your password If these validate, then a new password will be automatically ed to the user. TIP: Once you’ve received your password, please change it back to something you will remember
Changing your password Should you wish to change your password or need to change the system generated password after resetting your password. This can be done after logging into the application. Click on the Change Password link on the menu, which will open the Change ESS Password screen
Changing your password You will be prompted for your current password, your new password and a confirmation of your new password. You can then click on the Change Password button to change your password. You will then receive a confirmation that the password has been successfully changed. Video – how to
MANAGER’S SECTION Impersonate / Approve a leave request / Decline a leave request
Accessing your inbox via the HR Integrated Self Service Portal Your inbox and the managerial functionalities can be accessed from any of the links under ‘Leave and Overtime’ or ‘Payslips and Claims’ on the HR Integrated Self Service Portal. Once you have accessed any of the VIP ESS functionalities, Click on ‘View Inbox’ under the Home tab on the Menu or Navigation bar
Managing your Inbox When a request has been submitted on ESS, the Manager (Approver) will receive an informing them that there is a transaction that is awaiting approval. Transactions awaiting approval can be accessed in one of two ways: From the “Click here to view this Inbox item” link in the By Selecting ‘View Inbox’ from the Menu on the VIP Self-Service home page (All transactions awaiting your approval will be listed in the Inbox)
Leave Reports Managers can draw the following Leave reports: : Leave Balance Report Leave Transaction Report Manager Leave Calendar The reports can be accessed from the Reports link on the Menu or Navigation bar How to run a leave balance report
Leave Balance Report To print the report Click on the button To save the report Select by report format from the drop down menu and then Click on the button How to run a leave transaction report How to run a leave balance report
Leave Transaction Report To print the report Click on the button To save the report Select by report format from the drop down menu and then Click on the button How to run a Manager Leave Calendar Report
Manager Claims Report Managers can access the Manager Claims Report from a link under Reports on the Menu or Navigation bar.
Claim Reports Managers can access the Claims Report from a link under Reports on the menu or navigation bar. 1 1.Select Reports. A number of selection criteria can be specified: Claims Group Claims Type Date From Date To Custom Fields Filter 2.The report is displayed. 2