'The Schoolshape Language Laboratory' Online Language Lab: Zuma Marketing
Language Lab ‘How-to’ Guide
Log in at lab.schoolshape.com
Student’s Home Page with ‘To Do’ list
Teacher’s home page
Selecting students
Organizing students
Selecting student’s work portfolio
Harry Potter’s work portfolio
Students who are online
Selecting pair discussion
Pairing locally or internationally
Paired students
Adding a new group
Adding ‘College Chateaubriand’
New group confirmation screen
New students now available, 1 online
Teacher’s 'Home Page': Resources
Multimedia ‘worksheet’ for creating a resource
Making your own resource: listening & speaking
Audio Gap Fill - Resource Design View
Audio Gap Fill - Student Answer View
Selecting a resource from the library
Reviewing a library resource (student view)
Adding a text prompt box
Building worksheet prompts and responses
Adding gaps to form a cloze exercise
‘Drag and drop’ and ‘case sensitive’
Gap fill exercise - presentation mode
Gap fill exercise - teacher marking view
Setting (assigning) a resource as a task
Differentiate students/groups
Specify when task is to be done
List of assigned tasks
Presenting the task to students
Gap fill exercise - presentation mode
Recording exercise - presentation mode
Video prompt - presentation mode
Student submits work
Example of another task in progress
Work handed in
Example Markbook
The ‘+ More’ menu
Automatic correction and feedback
David’s work now corrected
Select Robert’s work
Tell Robert to redo his work!
Robert’s ‘redo’ in gradebook
Robert’s task noted as ‘done’
Robert has improved his work
Robert’s better mark in markbook
Upload video to Schoolshape
Selecting staff details
Staff details and resetting password