EL Civics 1.7 Banking In-Service Fall 2016
Banking The Goals of Objective 1.7 Students will be able to identify, evaluate, and compare financial service options in the community such as banks, credit unions, cash-checking services, and credit cards.
Tasks Beginning Low: Task 1 and Task 2 and Task 3 Beginning High: Task 1 and Task 2 and Task 3 Intermediate Low: Task 1 and Task 4 Int. High - Advanced: Task 1 and Task 4 Task 1 = Bank Application Task 2 = Personal Check and Check Register Task 3 = Deposit and Withdrawal Slips Task 4 = Writing: Advantages and Disadvantages of payment methods
Beginning / Intermediate or
Circle Before You Test Teachers: According to the strict guidelines of the CASAS/ EL Civics Testing procedures, you must declare the level of the student before testing, by circling the level on the cover page of the assessment.
Total Points to Pass Beginning Low: 18 of 29 Beginning High: 23 of 29 Intermediate Low: 28 of 40 Intermediate High: 32 of 40 Advanced: 36 of 40
Task 1: Complete a Banking Application All Levels The student will be given information about a person and asked to fill out a bank application in that person’s name as if it were their identity. EYES: BRN DOB: 03/07/1989 DMV CALIFORNIA DMV EXPIRES DRIVER LICENSE Class: C 03/07/2020 D JUAN LOPEZ 1325 East Main Street Apt. # 32 El Cajon, CA SEX: M HAIR: BLK HT: 6-1 WT: 185 Juan Lopez
Task #1 EYES: BRN DOB: 03/07/1989 DMV CALIFORNIA DMV EXPIRES DRIVER LICENSE Class: C 03/07/2020 D JUAN LOPEZ 1325 East Main Street Apt. # 32 El Cajon, CA SEX: M HAIR: BLK HT: 6-1 WT: 185 Juan Lopez Juan Lopez wants to open a bank account. His home phone number is Juan works for Toyota of El Cajon. Toyota of El Cajon is located at 965 Arnele Avenue in EL Cajon, CA The phone number at Juan’s work is Juan’s monthly gross income from his job is $2,
Task #1 (Application - Beginning) CUSTOMER INFORMATION 1. First Name________________________________________________________________________ 2. Last Name________________________________________________________________________ 3. Address (Street Name and Number): _____________________________________________________ 4. City_______________________________ 5. State_______________6. Zip Code________________ EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 7. Current Employer_______________________________________________________________________ 8. Current Employer’s Address (Street Name and Number): ______________________________________ 9. City_________________________________10. State_____________11. Zip Code__________________ 12. Work Telephone Number _______________________________________________________________ 13. Monthly Gross Income __________________________________________________________________ 14. I WOULD LIKE TO APPLY FOR THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT Checking Savings 15. SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________ 16. PLEASE ENTER THE DATE ___________/___________/_______________________________ MM/DD/YYYY
Task #1 (Answers - Beginning) CUSTOMER INFORMATION 1. First Name________________________________________________________________________ 2. Last Name________________________________________________________________________ 3. Address (Street Name and Number): _____________________________________________________ 4. City_______________________________ 5. State_______________6. Zip Code________________ EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 7. Current Employer_______________________________________________________________________ 8. Current Employer’s Address (Street Name and Number): ______________________________________ 9. City_________________________________10. State_____________11. Zip Code__________________ 12. Work Telephone Number _______________________________________________________________ 13. Monthly Gross Income __________________________________________________________________ 14. I WOULD LIKE TO APPLY FOR THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT Checking Savings 15. SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________ 16. PLEASE ENTER THE DATE _____________________________________________________ MM/DD/YYYY Juan Lopez 1325 East Main Street Apt # 32 El Cajon CA Toyota of El Cajon 965 Arnele Avenue El CajonCA92020 $2, Juan Lopez Current date
Task #1 (Story – Intermediate) Juan Lopez was born in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico on March 7, His address is His home phone number is Juan is a legal resident of the U.S. Juan has a green card. He received his California Driver’s License on September 9, His mother’s maiden name is Alvarez. Juan works for Toyota of El Cajon as an auto mechanic. Toyota of El Cajon is located at 965 Arnele Avenue in El Cajon, CA, The phone number at Juan’s work is Juan started working at Toyota of El Cajon in Juan’s monthly gross income from his job is $2, Juan wants to open a checking account at El Cajon Community Bank. He also wants to get an ATM card. Juan heard about the El Cajon Community Bank from his brother.
CUSTOMER INFORMATION 1. First Name_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Last Name________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Address (Street Name and Number):____________________________________________________________ 4. City_________________________________5. State____________________6. Zip Code_________________ 7. address_______________________________________________________________________ 8. Phone Number_______________________________________________________________________ 9. Place of Birth________________________________________________________________________ 10. Date of Birth_________________________________________________________________________ 11. Social Security Number_________________________________________________________________ 12. Mother’s Maiden Name_________________________________________________________________ DRIVER’S LICENSE INFORMATION 13. Driver’s License Number_________________ 14. State__________________________________ 15. Date Received__________________________ 16. Expiration Date_________________________ EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 17. Current Employer__________________________________ 18. Occupation________________________________________ 19. Current Employer’s Address (Street Name and Number): __________________________________________ 20. City__________________________________ 21. State_____________________ 22. Zip Code____________ 23. Work Telephone Number _____________________________________________________ 24. Monthly Gross Income _____________________________________________________ 25. How long with employer? _____________________________________________________ Task #1 (Application – Int.) 1 of 2
26. I WOULD LIKE TO APPLY FOR THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT Checking Savings Individual Retirement Account (IRA) 27. I AM ALSO INTERESTED IN Bank Credit Card ATM/Debit Card Overdraft Protection 28. I CERTIFY I AM (PLEASE SELECT ONE): US Citizen Resident Alien Non-Resident Alien 29. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: How did you hear about us?Friend Relative Work Internet 30. SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________ 31. PLEASE ENTER THE DATE _____________________________________________________ MM/DD/YYYY Task #1 (Application – Int.) 2 of 2
CUSTOMER INFORMATION 1. First Name_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Last Name________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Address (Street Name and Number):____________________________________________________________ 4. City_________________________________5. State____________________6. Zip Code_________________ 7. address_______________________________________________________________________ 8. Phone Number_______________________________________________________________________ 9. Place of Birth________________________________________________________________________ 10. Date of Birth_________________________________________________________________________ 11. Social Security Number_________________________________________________________________ 12. Mother’s Maiden Name_________________________________________________________________ DRIVER’S LICENSE INFORMATION 13. Driver’s License Number_________________ 14. State__________________________________ 15. Date Received__________________________ 16. Expiration Date_________________________ EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 17. Current Employer__________________________________ 18. Occupation________________________________________ 19. Current Employer’s Address (Street Name and Number): __________________________________________ 20. City__________________________________ 21. State_____________________ 22. Zip Code____________ 23. Work Telephone Number _____________________________________________________ 24. Monthly Gross Income _____________________________________________________ 25. How long with employer? _____________________________________________________ Task #1 (Answers – Int-A )1 of 2 Lopez Juan 1325 East Main Street Apartment # 32 El Cajon CA Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico Alvarez D September 9, 2009 CA Toyota of El Cajon Mechanic 965 Arnele Avenue El Cajon CA $2, Six years
26. I WOULD LIKE TO APPLY FOR THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT Checking Savings Individual Retirement Account (IRA) 27. I AM ALSO INTERESTED IN Bank Credit Card ATM/Debit Card Overdraft Protection 28. I CERTIFY I AM (PLEASE SELECT ONE): US Citizen Resident Alien Non-Resident Alien 29. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: How did you hear about us?Friend Relative Work Internet 30. SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________ 31. PLEASE ENTER THE DATE _____________________________________________________ MM/DD/YYYY Task #1 (Answers – Int-A )2 of 2 Juan Lopez Current Date Int-Adv Levels Complete 1-31
Practice, practice, practice DMV CALIFORNIA DMV EXPIRES DRIVER LICENSE 08/28/ 2020 D Judy Chang Class: C 3445 Third St. La Mesa, CA SEX: F HT: 5-2 EYES: BRN DOB: 08/28/1972 Judy Chang DMV CALIFORNIA DMV EXPIRES DRIVER LICENSE 02/03/2020 D Class C Selwa Aziz 245 Main Street El Cajon, CA DOB: 02/03/1991 Selwa Aziz DMV CALIFORNIA DMV EXPIRES DRIVER LICENSE 01/02/ 2020 D Class: C RICARDO ZUNIGA 953 MARIA WAY. CHULA VISTA, CA SEX: M HT: 5-10 EYES: BRN DOB: 01/02/1969 Ricardo Zuniga
Skill Builders Beg Low High (Int- Adv) Writing Dollar Amounts as Words Skill Builder 2B
Task #1 – Points Possible 16 answers (Beginning) Refer to Rubric for Points and Items 31 answers (Intermediate) Refer to Rubric for Points and Items Add 2 points for proper Legibility, Neatness and Spelling
Questions on Task #1 Clarity and Confusion Only
Task 2: Complete a Personal Check and Update Register Levels: BL, BH 1.The student will pay a bill using a personal check. 2.The student will update his/her check register after paying the bill. PURCHASESAMOUNT TOTAL $ ONE (1) HD Flat Screen TV Sony FRYS.COM # $ California State Sales Tax $28.00
Task 2 – The Bill
Task 2 – The Check
Task 2 – The Register
Task 2 – The Bill (Information)
Task 2 – The Check (Answers)
Task 2 – The Register (Answers) NumberDateTransaction Description Payment Fee Withdrawal Fee Deposit Credit Balance Balance from previous page $2, Fry’s Electronics Big Screen TV $ $ /24/2016
Task 2 – Scoring Assessment The Check (Content “A”) 5 points for complete, correct, clear 3 points for partially complete and may have errors 0 points for incomplete and incorrect The Register (Content “B”) 5 points for complete, correct, clear 3 points for partially complete and may have errors 0 points for incomplete and incorrect
Task #2 – Practices (All Levels)
Questions on Task #2 One More Task for the Beginning Levels
Task 3 Complete a Deposit Slip and a Withdrawal Slip Levels: BL, BH The student will: 1.Complete a deposit slip in order to deposit a check and/or cash. The student may also need to receive cash back from only a check deposit. 2.Complete a withdrawal slip in order to take cash out of the bank for an amount over the daily limit of an ATM.
Task #3: Check to be Deposited
Task #3: Deposit Slip Front Back
Task #3: Important on the Check
Task #3: Deposit Slip (Answers)
Task #3: Withdrawal Story Juan Lopez needs to take $ cash out of the bank today. He wants to take his family to Disneyland. His ATM card can only take out $ every 24 hours. Please fill out the withdrawal slip so Juan can get the cash out of his checking account. Juan’s checking account number is
Task #3: Withdrawal Story
Task #3: Withdrawal Answers
Task #3 – Scoring Assessment The Deposit and Withdrawal 5 points for complete, correct, clear 3 points for partially complete and may have errors 0 points for incomplete and incorrect 13 items correct - 5 points items correct - 3 points 6 or less items correct - 0 points
Task #3: Deposit Practices
Task #3: Withdrawal Practices
Questions on Task #3 Intermediate Teachers, your attention please.
Task 4 Write an Article on Different Methods of Payment Levels: Int-L, Int-H, Adv Write an article to explain the advantages and disadvantages of using different methods of payment to make purchases and pay expenses. Choose at least three of the following: cash, credit, checks, debit cards, and /or online services.
This is what the EL Civics website says!
Example Outcome: One Method The advantage of cash is that it can keep you from spending too much money. Research shows people spend less if they pay with cash. Paying by cash is the best way to stay out of debt. Also, sometimes you can negotiate a better price when you offer to pay in cash. The disadvantage of cash is that it is not as secure as a credit card. If your wallet or purse is lost or stolen, your cash cannot be replaced. When you use cash, you do not have an electronic record of how you spent your money. You will have to keep track of it yourself. Also, if you are using cash to buy something, it is more difficult to dispute the purchase if there is a problem.
Example Outcome: Two Methods The advantage of cash is that it can keep you from spending too much money. Research shows people spend less if they pay with cash. Paying by cash is the best way to stay out of debt. Also, sometimes you can negotiate a better price when you offer to pay in cash. The advantage of credit cards is that you have a record of your spending. A credit card is more secure. When lost or stolen, credit cards can be replaced and you will not have to pay for anything someone else bought. Also, a credit card can earn you points or rewards for your spending. You can trade in these points for money on your balance or discounts on other purchases.
Task #4 – Methods of Payment
Page 31 – Student Survey 1. How many students in this class have a checking account and debit card? ____________ 2. How many students have used their debit card this month to make a purchase? ______ 3. How many students have written one check this month? _________________________ 4. How many students have written two or more checks this month? _________________ 5. How many students have deposited a check in the bank this month? _______________ 6. How many students have $10 cash or more in their wallet or purse now? ___________ 7. How many students have $50 cash or more in their wallet or purse now? ___________ 8. How many students have $100 cash or more in their wallet or purse now? __________ 9. How many students have one credit card in their wallet or purse now? ____________ 10. How many students have two or more credit cards? ___________________________ 11. How many students have used credit card points or rewards this year? ____________ 12. How many students have paid a bill online this month or last month? _____________ 13. How many students have paid two or more bills online this month or last month? _____ 14. How many students have a bill set up on “automatic payments”? __________________ 15. How many students prefer to use cash/debit over credit cards? ___________________ 16. How many students prefer to use checks over online payments? __________________
Page 32 – Advantage or Disadvantage
Page 33 – True or False
Page 34 – Pros and Cons List (Ex) PROS I will always have a friend to love me. I can teach the dog to do lots of tricks. I’ll have a jogging partner. I can teach the dog to swim. A dog can be a good judge of character. It will teach me patience and selflessness. It will prepare me for having my first child. It will teach my children responsibility. CONS I have to teach it to listen to me. I have to feed it 2 or 3 times a day. I have to train it to go outside. I have to take it for walks and exercise. Veterinary visits are expensive. I have to find someone to take care of it if I want to go on vacation. Dog hair gets on your clothes and furniture. Things in your home will be chewed up.
Page 36 – Pros and Cons (Student)
Page 33: Pro-Con (Money) PRO PROSCONS Topic:______________________________
Page 37: Writing an Article
Page 38: Final Draft (Example)
Page 35: ( Answer Packet)
Task #4 – Points Possible Levels Intermediate Low = 20 points Intermediate High = 20 points Advanced = 20 points 14 Content + 2 Formatting + 4 Grammar
Be sure to bubble correctly 001C unofficial DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA C 99 9 Pass No Pass
Final Instructions Packets Available at teacher in-services ed Spreadsheet = Lydia Jones Pre-slugs TOPS forms = Lydia Jones Due date = November 4, 2016 EL Civics Turn in: assessments / spreadsheet / TOPS forms