CLASS OF 2019 Finding success at Summit High School your Sophomore Year!!
TODAY’S TOPICS Administrative Assignments Counseling Assignments Graduation Plans Transcripts Classification of Students Credit Recovery Clearing Absence Fails End of Course Exams (EOC) SAT/ACT Dates How You Can Be Successful at SHS
SUMMIT ADMINISTRATION Mr. Taylor – Interim Principal Mrs. McMullen – Academic Associate Principal Mr. Peters – Assistant PrincipalA-D Mrs. Hash - Assistant PrincipalE-K Mrs. Cox - Assistant PrincipalL-Ra Mr. Pouncy – Assistant PrincipalRi-Z Mrs. Koenig – Principal Secretary Mrs. Bates- Academic Associate Secretary
SUMMIT COUNSELORS Mr. Murdock(A - Com) Mrs. Bussle(Con - GT) Mrs. Stillings(GU -LA) Mrs. Melson(LB – OK) Mrs. Bougere(OL – SI) Mrs. Sheppard(SJ – Z) Mrs. GrigsbyStudent Support Counselor Mrs. Strause Counseling Secretary Mrs. KlaudtCounseling Secretary
GRADUATION PLANS Foundations Foundations with Endorsements Distinguished Level of Achievement Plan (DLA)
FOUNDATIONS PLAN English (4 Credits: English I, English II, English III, English IV) Math (3 Credits: Algebra I, Geometry, Math Models) Science (3 Credits: Biology, IPC or Chemistry, Physics) Social Studies (3 Credits: World Geography or World History, US History, Government, Economics) P.E. (1.0 Credit) Health (0.5 Credits) Fine Arts (1 Credit) Professional Communications (0.5 Credits) Foreign Language (2 Credits) Electives (8.0 Credits) = Total of 26 Credits *Students who graduate on the foundations plan must attend a community college first before transferring to a 4-year university.
FOUNDATIONS WITH ENDORSEMENT English (4 Credits: English I, English II, English III, English IV) Math (4 Credits: Algebra I, Geometry, Math Models, Algebra II or Algebra II, Upper Level Math Course) Science (4 Credits: Biology, IPC, Chemistry, Or Physics, Upper Level Science Course or Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Upper Level Science Course)) Social Studies (3Credits: World Geography or World History, US History, Government, Economics) P.E. (1.0 Credit) Health (0.5 Credits) Fine Arts (1 Credit) Professional Communication (0.5 Credits) Foreign Language ( 2 Credits of Same Language) Electives (2.0 Credits) Endorsement (4.0 Credits)** = Total of 26 Credits Students who graduate on the Foundations with Endorsement Plan can choose to start at either a community college or a 4-year university. An Endorsement is a coherent sequence of courses for four or more credits which includes one advanced course in a designated area of study.
DISTINGUISHED LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT (DLA) Complete the Foundations with Endorsement Plan Algebra II must be one of the math courses. To be eligible for the states top 10% Automatic Admission in to colleges and universities, students must complete the DLA plan. As of August 2016, Top 7% at the University of Texas at Austin, and Top 8% at Texas A&M in College Station.
ENDORSEMENTS Multidisciplinary Arts & Humanities STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Business & Industry Public Service
WHAT IS A TRANSCRIPT A TRANSCRIPT IS A REPORT CARD FOR EVERY COURSE YOU TAKE WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL. This record follows you to each school you attend until you graduate from high school. Even after you graduate, your high school Transcript will be requested by schools you attend for higher education. Your future bosses and persons interested in your work ethic may want to see the effort you were willing to put forth during your high school years.
HOW STUDENTS ARE CLASSIFIED We base your grade level on the number of credits that you have earned, not on the number of years that you have been in high school. 0.0 – 5.5 Credits = Freshman Credits = Sophomore 12.0 – 18.5 Credits = Junior Credits = Senior
HOW CAN I RECOVER CREDITS Online Credit Recovery (OCR) is a credit recovery option offered at Summit. See your counselor for more information!!
CLEARING ABSENCE FAILS In order to clear an absence fail, you must see your AP. Absence Fails are cleared by attending Saturday School or other specified after school programs determined by the principal. At this point, you are able to clear Absence Fails from the previous semester only (Spring 2016). If They are not completed this fall semester, you will have to repeat the class, gain it through credit through OCR or pass a CBE. If you have absence fails from last spring, see your AP today!!
END OF COURSE (EOC) You must take and pass the end of course exams in the following subjects to graduate: English I English II Biology Algebra I US History
Must have an 80+ GPA and meet the TSI Requirements May start course work fall of your junior year Allowed to take 2 courses per semester Maximum number of hours is 24 Student cost is $65 per course* Out of state students pay $175 per course Free and/or reduced lunch list is free Textbook provided Dual CreditI START Must have an 80+ GPA and meet the TSI Requirements May start course work the summer before your junior year. Allowed to take 3 courses per semester Maximum number of hours is 48. Commitment to 30 hours is required. Student cost is $65 per course* Out of state students pay $175 per course Free and/or reduced lunch list is free Textbook provided
TCC TESTING/ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS Second semester of their 10 th grade year 80% GPA TCC Active Apply to obtain a TCC ID number Complete the Pre-Assessment Activity Can test in Writing, Reading, and Math *Writing-363 and above a 4 on written assessment, Reading-355, and Math-356 Testing dates for the Fall are Feb. 10 th, March 2 nd and 3 rd at Summit Must have school ID to test, know your social security number and have your TCC ID number
SAT TESTING DATES October 1 st, November 5th, December 3 rd January 21 st March 11 th May 6 th June 3rd
ACT TESTING DATES October 22 nd December 10 th February 11 th April 8 th June 10th
WHAT YOU CAN DO Come to school Everyday Do Your Homework Ask For Help Be Organized Study with Friends Attend Tutorials Your education is your RESPONSIBILITY!!! Make sure that you are prepared.