Real-time Response and System Integration in A Back-end Semiconductor Manufacturing System Robin G. Qiu, Ph.D. Dept. of Information Sciences Pennsylvania State University
2 e-Business Sales & Service ERP/MRPII Supply Chain Facility CRM CAE MES Business e Characteristics: 1.Fusion of Information at high level 2.Internet technology
3 Data Flow View of Enterprise Applications Question 1: How information (overwhelming) from multiple data sources can be tracked and aggregated? Question 2: How pertinent information can be delivered in real time?
4 The Concept of “Real-time” Embedded Control Shop floor information system Office-level planning
5 Typical Back-end System
6 Manufacturing Processes
7 Current MES model
8 MES Example SiView Server side, all logic and application scenarios ranging from MES specification manager and material manager to web reporting. resides on an AIX platform, where the MES application is the highest level, while many industrial standard frameworks and middleware support are also included in order to support system extension and integration. SiView – IBM trademark
9 MES Example SiView Client side, a thin GUI interface getting information on lot, consumables, setup, tooling, and process specifications before a process get started recording data on the process, consumed consumables, and quality assurance SiView – IBM trademark
10 Distributed MES? Distributed computing enabled technology Mechanisms architecture synchronization
11 Once a product is ordered and scheduled for production, a corresponding production line will be strategically and optimally formed based on the status of plant floor manufacturing systems As soon as the product gets finished, the line will be dismissed and all the equipment in the line will be optimally reallocated Virtual Production Lines
12 VPL-based Modeling
13 VPL-based MES and SFCS Context Model
14 An Prototype
15 Legacy System
16 Questions?