POST LAUNCH ACTIVITIES Release of Rs crores for 29 States. – 83 Non tribal and 17 Tribal clusters towards ICAP preparation and setting up State Institutional frameworks. Circulation of ICAP templates and Standard agreements for engagement of agencies for ICAP preparation to States. Cluster Visits by Rurban team members- Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, J&K, Rajasthan, Punjab, Odisha, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh. 2 Regional Workshops on ICAPs: Southern Region at Bangalore (April 6 th ), Eastern Region at Ranchi (April 13 th ), North and North Eastern Region at Delhi (April 22 nd ), Western Region at Mumbai (April 26 th ). State visits and reviews – J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Rajasthan and Shillong. Phase 2 cluster allocation under approval. Inter-ministerial meetings being done by Rurban division to ensure convergence with relevant departments. ( Agriculture, MSME, Drinking water & Sanitation completed)
STATE INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS & ICAP SUBMISSIONS 9 ICAPs submitted for EC - Andhra Pradesh (5), Chattisgarh (4) 11 ICAPs being submitted for EC by end of July Kerala (4), Odisha (5), Punjab(2) 44 ICAPs expected during first week of August, 2016-Himachal Pradesh (2), Jammu & Kashmir (2), Uttar Pradesh (10), Maharashtra (7), Rajasthan (5), Jharkhand (3), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Tripura (2), Gujarat (4), Goa (1), Haryana (6) 36 ICAPs expected during first week of September, Uttharakhand (2), Madhya Pradesh (7), Karnataka (3), TamilNadu (5), Telengana (4), West Bengal (7), Uttharakhand (2), Bihar (4), Sikkim (1), Nagaland (1), Manipur (1), Arunachal Pradesh (1) 3 State Institutional frameworks are yet to be set up in -Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, West Bengal.
Northern Region 5 Name of the State Number of Clusters Status of SIF and ICAP submissions Non TribalHilly State Institutional Framework (SPMU/DPMU/CDMU) Timeline for Submission of ICAP Status of ICAP Haryana6 Will be recruiting through UNDP 30 th August Cluster profiling complete and component profiling for 1 cluster is complete. Agreement yet to be signed by STSA ( SPA Delhi + Guru Nanak Dev) Himachal Pradesh 2 File moved 30 th July Component profiling in progress ( In house) Jammu & Kashmir 2Already in place30 th July Component profiling in progress (In house+GNDU) Punjab2 SLEC approved SPMU/DPMU 30 th August ICAP completed, to be done in MoRD format. (GNDU) Uttar Pradesh10Not yet started30 th July STSA engagement in progress.(SPA+Abdul Kalam) Uttarakhand2Already in Place30 th August In final stages (CBRI)
Eastern Region 6 Name of the State Number of Clusters Status of SIF and ICAP submissions Non TribalTribal State Institutional Framework (SPMU/DPMU/CDMU) Timeline for Submission of ICAP Status of ICAP Bihar4 File with Secretary 15 th August Cluster profiling done for all the clusters. (NIT Patna +BIT Misra) Chhattisgarh22 SPMU & DPMU in place 30 th June ICAP completed ( In house) Jharkhand21 Cabinet note approved- appointments ongoing 30 th July Advance copies will be furnished on 18 th July. ( In house) Odisha32 SPMU/DPMU& CDMU in place 30 th June ICAP completed ( In house + IIT Kharagpur at a later stage) West Bengal61 Yet to start (IIEST- Bengal)
Western Region 7 Name of the State Number of Clusters Status of SIF and ICAP submissions Non TribalTribal State Institutional Framework (SPMU/DPMU/CDMU) Timeline for Submission of ICAP Status of ICAP Goa1Not yet set up30 th July ICAP preparation ongoing ( Goa College of Architecture) Gujarat22 File sent to Cabinet 30 th JulyICAP in progress (CEPT) Madhya Pradesh 52Set up15 th August ICAP preparation just initiated ( SPA Bhopal – agreement issues) Maharashtra61Not yet set up30 th July ICAP preparation in progress, cluster visits done by STSA (CIDCO- agreement yet to be signed) Rajasthan41 File sent for approval to Cabinet 30 th July Advanced copies will be furnished on 20 th July to MoRD (SPA Delhi)
Southern Region 8 Name of the State Number of Clusters Status of SIF and ICAP submissions Non TribalTribal State Institutional Framework (SPMU/DPMU/CDMU) Timeline for Submission of ICAP Status Andhra Pradesh41 Ongoing30 th June Final ICAPs submitted ( In house) Karnataka21Yet to be set up15 th AugustIn progress ( In house) Telangana31Ongoing30 th June ICAP of 3 clusters is being drafted, data collection completed for the other.( In house) Tamil Nadu5Already in place31 st August ICAP is under preparation ( In house) Kerala4 Sent for finance department concurrence-will be set up by August th July Drafts completed, advance copies will be given on 18 th. ( SPA+CET Trivandrum+SIRD)
North Eastern Region 9 Name of the State Number of Clusters Status of SIF and ICAP submissions Non TribalTribal State Institutional Framework (SPMU/DPMU/CDMU) Timeline for Submission of ICAP Status Arunachal Pradesh-1File is with Minister30 th June Component and deficiency analysis completed. ( IIT Guwahati) Manipur1- In progress 30 th August Agency has been selected. Work yet to start. (agency) Meghalaya-1In progress30 th JulyIn progress (SIRD) Mizoram-1Set up30 th July ICAP preparation in full swing ( agency) Nagaland-1In progress15 th AugustIn progress ( in house) Sikkim1-SPMU set up30 th August Agency selected, no further progress. Tripura2- Set up with existing staff 30 th JulyIn progress ( NIT agartala)