Photo Analysis: The Roaring Twenties
Traditionalists People that have a deep respect for traditions, order, and stability in society Breaking the old way of doing things went against “the American Way.”
Modernists: Accepted new ideas, styles, and social trends Saw traditional values as chains that limited freedom and happiness
Flappers: Colored their hair and cut it short Wore skimpy dresses that didn’t cover their knees Wore unfastened rainboots that “flapped” around their ankles Believed to have “loose” morals
Loose Morals Traditionalists thought the new styles were making women immoral It was common belief that if a young woman dressed with too much skin showing, she was one who “slept around” Many women resented the double standard and chose to dress against the traditionalists views
Prohibition: It became illegal to drink or sell alcohol Traditionalists supported this change
Speakeasy: Secret drinking clubs People were supposed to “speak easy” or speak quietly about illegal drinking bars
Scopes Trial: Parents and the school district sued a teacher for teaching evolution Evolution is the theory that people and other creatures are a product of slow development from good mutations Creation is the theory that a Christian God created Earth