Facebook Marketing- A Way to Get Business Lead
Understanding Facebook Marketing Importance Step-to-Step Facebook MarketingFacebook Marketing What is Facebook?What is Facebook? In basic terms, Facebook is a social networking and content sharing website, which allows creating a free account and giving access to share photos, videos, other content, and your ideas. Facebook is also using for communication with each other. It makes communication cheap, simple and easy. Users can add each other as a friend or follow and like community, social, entertainment or business pages to receive the update from them.
Facts Which Makes Facebook An Important ToolFacts Which Makes Facebook An Important Tool F Facebook has 1.75 billion active users W With 1.75 billion active users, facebook became the largest social media platform A Average Facebook User Spends 55 Minutes Per Day billion people log onto Facebook daily active users There are 1.57 billion mobile active users (an increase of 20 percent year-over-year). Continue Reading…
F Five new profiles are created every second On average, the Like and Share Buttons are viewed across almost 10 million websites daily. Everyday 300 million photos are uploaded Average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes One in five page views in the United States occurs on Facebook Continue Reading…
E Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 photos are uploaded 4 42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or important to their business N Now Facebook has 100 million hours of daily video watch time T There are 50 million active small business Pages 75% of brands will pay to promote posts Continue Reading…
All these things make Facebook is most important for any Business. How to Use Facebook Marketing? A step-to-step guide for basics of Facebook marketing-
Create Facebook Business Page Create Facebook Business Page CClick on the arrow in the top-right corner. CChoose Create Page Option.
Choose a business category for your Page Choose a business category for your Page Select the type of Page that you want to create from the following categories: 1. Local Business or Place, Company 2. Organization or Institution, Brand or Product 3. Artist, Band or Public Figure 4. Entertainment 5. Cause or Community
Choose a Business-specific category Choose a Business-specific category Choose a category that matches your business. Then enter some basic info about your business. Agree to the Facebook Pages Terms. Click Get Started.
Now enter all basic info about your business Now enter all basic info about your business This is business page name. Select your own business name Add here a short description about your business Enter your business website url here Media Junkies is providing you facebook advertising tricks and magical facebook marketing tips Mediajunkies.com.au After entering all info click on “Save Info” button Enter unique username
Now everything is very easy and simple UUUUpload a good quality image for your business profile TTTThen Click on “Save Photo or this will be Next”
You can also add your Page to your Favourites on your Facebook account, so you'll have easy access to it when you log in. After doig that skip all info and your page is ready for use.
N Now your business page is ready to use Add here a Business cover photo to look better Write and share info and photos about your business
After completing these steps your first work is to Share photos, videos and create business posts regularly- Create posts regularly about your products or services. You can include photos, videos and use emoticons to make your post impressive. Give information about your products so that your audience easily know about your products. Create Question posts according to audience interest. Doing Facebook Marketing can lift up your business and increase your sales. You can hire any facebook marketing company to do all these things then you have no need to worry about work, the company will handle everything. Just pay and be relaxed to see good results. If you good knowledge about all this, you can do it yourself.
To know more about facebook marketing, meet our facebook marketing expert (Media Junkies) or also can contact a facebook advertising agency. Visit here- Thank YouThank You