Topics covered: Body planes - transverse, midsagittal, frontal or coronal plane Directional Terms related to each plane Main body cavities Abdominal Regions
Transverse Horizontal planes that divides the body into cranial and caudal parts Cranial-Relating to the skull Caudal-The posterior part of the body
Midsagittal The plane of the body that divides the body vertical causing you to have a left and right halve Median/Sagittal Plane Cut vertical line down the middle of the head down through the toes
Frontal Plane A frontal plane (also known as the coronal plane) is any vertical plane that divides the body into ventral and dorsal (belly and back) sections. It is one of the three main planes of the body used to describe the location of the body parts in relation to each other.
Directional terms Distal - away from, fartther from the origin Proximal - near, closer to the origin Dorsal - near the upper surface, toward the back Ventral - toward the bottom, toward the belly Superior - above, over Inferior - below, under Lateral - toward the side, away from the mid-line Medial - toward the mid-line, middle, away from the side Rostral - toward the front Caudal - toward the back, toward the tail Bllateral - Involvng both the sides of the body Unllateral - Involving one side of the body Ipsllateral - on the same side of the body Contralateral - on the opposite sides of the body Parletal- relating to a body cavity wall Visceral - relating to organs within body cavities Axial - around a central axis Intermediate - between two srtuctures Anterior - in front of, front Posterior - after, behind, following, toward the rear ● n/anatomical-directional- terminology-anterior-posterior- and-more.html n/anatomical-directional- terminology-anterior-posterior- and-more.html
BODYCAVITIESBODYCAVITIES Dorsal Cavity - located near the posterior surface of the body. contains cranial cavity, vertebral canal, and meninges Cranial - contains the brain Diaphragm - the partition separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity in mammals. Pelvic - inferior portion, contains urinary bladder, portions of large intestine, and internal organs of the reproductive system Abdominal cavity - superior portion, contains stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, and most of the large intestine Vertebral cavity - made of vertebral column and contains spinal cord Thoracic cavity - superior cavity within the ventral body cavity, chest cavity. contains ribs, muscles of chest, and sternum. holds pericardial cavity, pleural cavity, and mediastinum.
Abdominal Regions Epigastric region (epigastrium) Left hypochondrium (LHC) Right hypochondrium (RHC) Umbilical region Left lumbar region Right lumbar region Hypogastric region Right iliac fossa (RIF) Left iliac fossa (LIF)
Each Region Contains;