Detector Gas Systems Status Update Ferdi Hahn PH-DT1-GS 3 rd Detector Steering Meeting on Gas Systems June 2005
Content Work Package Status –Updates –New Work package for TOTEM Cost and Manpower Situation –Material Cost Balance –Manpower Balance Progress since last Steering (Nov. 2004) Gas System Status + Operation in 2007 (per Experiment) –What can be guaranteed ? –What not ? Schedule and Progress Monitoring Conclusions
Work Package Updates Changes since last Steering (Nov. 2004): –WP for ATLAS ID flushing systems approved in Dec –LHCb WP updated and approved in April 2005 –WP’s ATLAS addendum RPC Humidifier (ready for approval) –WP ALICE updated (ready for approval) New Work Package Proposal : –WP’s TOTEM gas systems All in all additional 2.3 m-y of work. Additional 6 m-m of work (50% < 2007) Included in new Schedule To be decided!
TOTEM Work Package TOTEM has two small detector systems with gas (GEM and CSC). Proposal for TOTEM gas systems –Mixer staged until > 1 st year of operation; –Run with Pre-mixed in 1 st. Year. –Single Pass Distribution : Two (standard) Distribution Racks to be build (1 per endcap) incorporating CSC and GEM distribution -> (common control system) ( To be decided ) Squeeze Distribution construction into this years program. Consequences: Our Proposal: 6 m-m for construction and installation (50% <end of 2005)
Cost and Manpower Situation
Material Cost
ALICE Material Cost 65% of budget spent
ATLAS Material Cost 60 % of budget spent
CMS Material Cost 62% of budget spent
LHCb Material Cost 34% of budget spent
Manpower Cost
Current Manpower Situation Currently: 10 Staff, 1 PJAS, 6 FSU + 5 Protvino + Students. –Altogether: 22 – 24 people. –Strong team with high experience and good technical skills. Staff reinforcement from last year (+3/-2) now fully effective. –real acceleration in the work
Full Manpower Balance (type B) 37 % of budget spent All in man-years 46% 49% 28% 15% 37% % Done
Work Evolution over the last 6 months Work load has increased by 2.3 m-y since Nov The remaining work has decreased by only 2.1 m-y in 6 months. All in man-years We cannot accept further work without jeopardizing the current schedule. work increase
Conclusion on Budget Gas System construction is on budget Work Balance: –37% of total work is done. –Total remaining work: 25.8 m-y –Remaining work until 2007 (reduced program) ~ 15 m-y Construction Work: –For ATLAS and CMS ~2/3 of construction done. –For ALICE and LHCb ~1/3 of construction done. Installation: –Just starting Total work = Construction + Installation of all work units. Note: See also under Schedule
Progress since Nov. 2004
Progress Construction Mixer Racks nearly finished + tested ( except for TGC and MDT). (4-5 months delay.) –Shipping to experiments is on-going. Pump racks will be finished in July; functional tests in August than delivery to experiments. (on Schedule). ATLAS distribution good progress: (85% finished) (on-schedule) –MDT and RPC racks finished, tests are on-going –TGC and TRT will be finished July. –CSC racks will be done together with ALICE racks in autumn.
Progress Installation ALICE TPC installation at P2 is ongoing (TPC SXL2) ( 4 months delay bco. extra pipe-work between Plug and SXL2 (done by TS/LEA)) ALICE SG: all Mixers and 4 Skeleton Control racks (without control chassis) are delivered; ready for connection (ahead of schedule) A lot preparation work on all 4 sites. Enormous progress on installation planning for all four experiments.
Testing Commissioning Rack testing in the lab. (Stefan) –Leak testing –Functional tests All test results are put immediately into MTF database (Mar). –MTF database comprises the entire gas systems, will be used later for service and maintenance.
Conclusions on Achievements during last 6 months Construction is going at full capacity, and we maintain (or in some points shorten) the schedule presented 6 months ago. –All individual items are on schedules except Mixer modules (4-5months delay) –Maintain all deliveries to experiments. Installation planning: –Planning / key dates established with all experiments. –Cable plans + power requirements were given to all four experiments.
Status / Problems Prospective for 2007 Per Experiment
Gas System Operation for 2007 What can be guaranteed : –We will assure that all 21 LHC gas systems are operating, so that the detectors will be able to take data during the 2007 physics run. What not: –Gas Analysis items which are included in the WP’s will require manual operation in the beginning. –Some (closed loop) systems may run in Open Mode –Not all Purifiers can be ready. We will provide manual Purifiers where needed. –Membranes (on the critical path). –ALICE TRD not all distribution racks are needed in In general
ALICE Installation work at P2: –TPC system installation is ongoing (4 months behind schedule). Lot of hiccups and surprises during installation work. Commissioning of full system in August –Mixer and control rack installation in SG is ongoing (finished this summer). –New gas coordinator Antonello Di Mauro very active and present, that helps a lot. Attention Areas: –TRD distribution on critical path. –TRD Purifier module are on the critical path. Status
ALICE in 2007 TPC (ready, you know…) –Modifications later when TPC moved into UX-Cavern. Single Pass Systems –Commissioning in August TOF, TRD commissioning in April –TOF Purifier: temporary installation (cartridges for off-line regeneration) –TRD Purifier on critical path. –TRD Distribution may be done only partly (4/6 racks are not required for 2007). Some analysis units are delayed, manual use of analyzers will be possible.
ATLAS ATLAS Distribution units (Muon+TRT (except (CSC)) completed by end of July Other modules (for SG and USA) are also finished or well advanced. We will start installation work very soon (two persons permanently at P1 from October onwards). Pilot-Commission ATLAS RPC gas system in Spring 2006 (closed loop). While installing for the RPC’s system, we try to finish a maximum for all other systems. –Good support from ATLAS Attention areas: –Membrane module for TRT detector is on the critical path. (see Schedule) Status
ATLAS in 2007 RPC –Gas system ready in Spring –Purifier: temporary installation (cartridges for off-line regeneration) TGC –Installation complete by Summer –Commissioning early –Dryer: temporary installation (cartridges for off-line regeneration) CSC MDT –Installation complete (without Purifier) by Summer –Commissioning early (without Purifier) TRT –Installation complete end 2006 –Purifier: temporary installation (cartridges for off-line regeneration) –Membrane module on critical path. –Xe recuperation module staged to after 1 st year of LHC (foreseen in WP). Analysis units are delayed, manual use of analyzers will be possible.
CMS Distribution systems installed in surface building, CSC group is making valuable tests with channel flowmeters; RPC group starting now with similar tests. Surface racks (Mixer, Pump, Exhaust Modules) are being build now or there are ready today. –After testing the racks will be shipped to P5. –Real installation work will start only after March Attention areas: –Pre-distribution units (in US area) are very big, and we would like to deliver these racks by April 2006, so that they can be connected by “Cryotec”. We have advanced our schedule by 4 months, but these racks are on a critical path. Status
CMS in 2007 CSC, –System complete (without gas recovery). CF4 Recovery will be re-evaluated after 1 year of running (foreseen in WP) –Commissioning in Oct DT –System complete (except for analysis in USC). –Commissioning in Nov RPC –Purifier: temporary installation (cartridges for off-line regeneration) –Commissioning in Dec Analysis units are delayed, manual use of analyzers will be possible.
LHCb Distribution units for Muons, GEM, OT and RICH will be done in autumn Standard racks for SG and UX-A are on-going or included in schedule. Although there have been a number of design changes during the last months; LHCb has been treated a bit poorly. We will try to correct over the next 6 months. Attention areas: –RICH Membrane and Purifier modules on critical path. Status
LHCb in 2007 Muon+GEM: –All modules ready except purifier. –System will run in single path mode in OT: –All modules ready except purifier. –System will run in single path mode in RICH 1 –Basic closed loop modules will be installed end of –Purifier: temporary installation (cartridges for off-line regeneration) –Membranes on the critical path –Compression unit done by LHCb (foreseen in WP). –System Commissioning in April RICH2 –Basic closed loop modules will be installed end of –Purifier on critical path. –Membranes on the critical path –Compression unit done by LHCb (foreseen in WP). –System Commissioning in April 2007.
Schedule (1) Construction
Construction Schedule (compare to Nov. 2004) maintain Delayed + 5 months maintain Shorten -3 months maintain Add TRD Distribution in WU Swap +6 months Swap -6 months maintain New Shifted – 9months
Comments to the Construction Schedule We need nearly 4 m-y for construction until the end of 2005 in order to maintain the current plan (very challenging !) TOTEM is not yet included, squeeze in +3 m-m for distribution racks. Possible Short-Cuts: –TRD distribution make only 2/6 racks (only a fraction of the detector will be installed) –Purifier: make only 2 more (TRD and RICH 2)
Targets for next 6 Months (1) 1.Finnish all distribution units until end 0f Start Pre-Distribution by October 2005, so that we have chance to finish CMS part before April Deliver all gas racks + control chassis for: Mixer, Exhaust and Pump Modules to experimental sites. Construction and Setting up of Modules
Schedule (2) Installation + Commissioning
Installation Mar has established work plan for the installation in the four experiments. This plan needs to account for numerous constrains: –Availability of gas system modules –Requirements of individual detectors –Infrastructure and work conditions on the sites. –Limited resources to work on more than 1 site at a time. Installation work is already on-going, but real increase as of September this year.
Targets for next 12 months (2) ALICE: (Summer 2005) –Finnish TPC Installation –Connect Mixers in ALICE, install control racks in SG ATLAS: (Sept. 05 to April 06) –Install in SG (60-80%) –Install in US (60-80%) –Deliver all racks in UX (Pipe connections done by ATLAS and TS) –Install auxiliaries (valve islands, valve controllers, back-up systems, etc.) –Start commissioning of RPC system in April 2006 As of Beginning of 2006, increase manpower further and start working in CMS and LHCb. Installation on Experimental Sites Everything that is needed for 2007.
Proposal Installation Planning (1) ATLAS: UX racks in time in 2005 Main Commiss. in 2007 CMS : UX racks are done Do SG/USC in 2006 RPC Pilot Closed Loop Commissioning
Proposal Installation Planning (2) ALICE: TPC in commis. Aug Single Pass Syst.’s Aug TRD, TOF in 2007 LHCb: Distribution: RICH’s end 2005 Muon and OT early 2006 TRD
Conclusion on the Schedule (1) The Schedule is very tight, and does not include contingency. Construction work: –Total Remaining work accounts for 180 m-m, for 2007 we need to do ~ 80 m-m. (50% in 2005, 50% in 2006). Installation work: –Plan exists (very detailed for next 10 months). –Re-adjustments will be necessary… –Try to meet fixed end dates of Commissioning
Conclusion on the Schedule (2) Testing and Commissioning: –Huge work in the lab and on site to insure proper functioning of all units. (-> see talk by Stefan) Commissioning Dates: –ALICE TPC in August 2005 –ATLAS RPC (first multi channel) start in April –Single Pass Commissioning in August –Bulk Commissioning of Closed Loop between Oct. 06 and April 07.
General Conclusions The gas system construction is on schedule, and on Budget Though, our plan remains very challenging –We have defined clear targets (for next 6 months and longer term), and we will report every 6 months on the results. We cannot accept additional work units <2007. Although, we cannot finish 100% of the gas systems for 2007, we can assure working gas systems for the first physics run in 2007.