1 EE260 Microcontroller Systems Spring 2007 Schedule : MTW 11:00-11:50, CEB 106 R 1:00-2:40, Cheney Hall 116
2 Administrative Issues Instructor: Claudio TALARICO Office location: Computer & Engineering Bldg., Rm. 336 Office hours: MTW 10:00-11:00, R 10:00-12:00 and by appointment Phone: (509) Class URL: follow the link …
3 Textbook Textbook: P. Spasov, Microcontroller Technology. The 68HC11 and 68HC12, Prentice Hall, 5/e, 2004 Other References: D.J. Pack and S.F. Barrett, Embedded Systems, Design and Applications, Prentice Hall, 2005 S.G. Kochan, Programming in C, Sams Publishing, 2005
4 Grading It is strongly recommended to work in groups of 2 people 10% homework 30% labs. 30% midterm 30% final exam/project Late work will NOT be accepted !
5 Grades excellent work:90%-100%= good work:80%-89%= average work:70%-79% = poor work:60%-69% = failing work:0%-59% = 0
6 Curving ?
7 Course Overview … Introduction to Microcomputer Systems Information Representation Microcomputer Architecture Assembly Language I/O Programming Interfacing