New Student Government’s Report
What has Student Government already done????
Tuition SG in cooperation with Student organizations managed to decrease tuition from 18% to 16%
Library 4 Weeks in semester (during exams period) from 8.30 am till 10 pm
Library From November 1 st Saturday : 10 am – 20 pm Sunday : 12 am – 19 pm
Dormitory Now!!! Now!!! in dormitory works till 12 pm. in dormitory works till 12 pm.
Advising Centers Stop waiting for your Advisor!!!!
What should we expect from SG in near future??? What should we expect from SG in near future???
Scholarships for Sportsmen!!!
SG website From November 20 you will have an access to SG website where you can find necessary information
Redecoration: 3,4 floors of dormitory 2,3 floors of Sport Complex (WC, undress room, shower-room) All expenses were calculated by SG and Chief of Supporting Services Division and were All expenses were calculated by SG and Chief of Supporting Services Division and were proposed to Administration, we are waiting for an answer!!! we are waiting for an answer!!!
Museum of achievements Opening of museum of all KIMEP’s awards, medals of students and professors. Still in process…
Student Government is working for you!!!! is working for you!!!!