M2 Media Group Girl Scouts of Alaska 2016 Fall Product Sales Troop Leader/Sales Manager Training Girl Scouts of Alaska Trophy Nut
Thank You! Your time, energy, and efforts are very much appreciated! It takes all of us to help GSAK girls have a successful Fall Product Sale program (FPS)! You help girls learn and develop skills that last a lifetime! FPS 2016
Welcome to the 2016 GSAK Fall Product Sale!!!!! FPS 2016
Alaska Program Details: Dates FPS 2016 DateRoleTask 9/19GirlsAll girls/troops registered for the 2017 GSAK scouting year will be uploaded into M2 9/20 7pm Troop Leaders/Sales Managers Training webinar hosted by Rae; recording will be made available by 9/21 9/22 7pm Troop Leaders/Sales Managers In-person training at Council Office in Anchorage – open to all (sign up link posted online) 9/25 8pm Troop Leaders/Sales Managers Online access to M2 system begins 9/25-10/25Troop Leaders/Sales Managers Check troop roster, assist in registering any unregistered girls; visit each girl’s M2 Storefront to ensure all material is appropriate; train girls/parents how to use the M2 site and enter Order Card orders; enter in any orders not entered by parents by 10/24 at 8pm 9/25-12/19Troop Leaders/Sales Managers Complete badge and patch work related to the FPS 10/2-10/24 at 8pm GirlsGirl Order Taking (all formats); girls/parents have full M2 access ( view only access for Troop Leaders/Sales Managers) 10/2-11/1 at 8pmGirlsOnline Order Taking open 9/25-10/24Troop Leaders/Sales Managers Check troop rosters, assist in registering any unregistered girls; continue collecting council forms from Troop Product Sales Managers, assist troop volunteers with M2 system questions 10/24 at 8pmGirls/ParentsM2 online full access for girls/parents ends (becomes view only) 10/24 at 8pm to 10/25 at 8pm Troop Leaders/Sales Managers M2 online full access for Troop Leaders/Troop Sales Managers: review entered orders, enter in any orders not entered 10/25 at 8pm to 10/26 at 8pm SU Sales LeadsM2 online full access for SU FPS Leads: ensure all selling troops have orders entered, orders are reasonable, enter in any outstanding troop orders in the SU 11/14-11/18ALLProduct/Reward Delivery 12/7IND Girls/TroopsAll funds due in troop accounts or paid to Council Office Directly 12/9Troops Final amount Due to Council withdrawn from troop accounts via ACH (online money transfer)
Alaska Program Details: The Process pt.1 September: 1. Complete FPS Troop Leader/Troop Sales Manager Training and online assessment: testmoz.com/ testmoz.com/ SU/Name/Troop: SU916/Rae/1141 OR East/Rae/ Submit Troop Sales Manager Agreement and ACH form to the SU Sales Leader, Membership Specialist, or Council 3. Train girls and parents; begin patch/badge work and/or FPS relevant programing October 1. Selling starts Oct. 2 Girls sell Parents support girls by entering sales, monitoring online actions, and connect girls with friends and family Troop Leader/Troop Sales Managers support girls/parents in answering questions, in ensuring they meet and follow deadlines, in making sure selling is done according to GSAK policy/procedures, providing girl programming that aligns with the FPS experience FPS 2016
Alaska Program Details: The Process pt.2 1. Order entry: Domino system Girls/parents Troop Leaders/Troop Sales Managers: Check that orders are reasonable Ensure parents have reviewed online direct delivery orders Make sure all girl orders are entered as well as reward selections made SU Sales Leads Council November 1. Reward/product delivery December 1. Money collection and payments FPS 2016 Text Color Code: Happens in September Happens in October Happens in November Happens in December
What should your Troop Training include? Key Information: Dates Rules Reasons to participate M2 Parent Information (Q/A) Session: check out the GSAK FPS Parent/Girl section on girlscoutsalaska.org M2 Interaction Selling practice (in-person, via , phone calls) FPS 2016
Proceeds for Nuts and Magazines Troops: $1/item and 15% of Magazine Orders Alaska Program Details: Proceeds Vendor Costs GSAK Council Proceeds (Net Sales) FPS 2016
Alaska Program Details: Incentives & Rewards FPS 2016 Girls can earn both 2016 Personalized Patches!!!
Alaska Program Details: Incentives & Rewards FPS 2016
Alaska Program Details: Incentives & Rewards FPS Goal Getter Reward: Every girl that sells 50+ products will receive the Goal Getter patch and will be entered into a drawing to win a VTech Kidizoom Action Cam (kids GoPro – like camera). One entry per every 50 products sold. *Announced via the GSAK Facebook page on Tuesday, December 13th* !!!!NEW THIS YEAR!!!! Top Seller Reward: The 2016 Fall Product Sale top seller will have their choice of a 6 months subscription to PoshPak or an iPad mini! *Announced via the GSAK Facebook page on Tuesday, December 13th* !!!!NEW THIS YEAR!!!! Lifetime Seller: The top selling graduating senior, and one additional selling graduating senior chosen through a raffle, will be awarded a Girl Scout Lifetime membership in May of *Announced via the GSAK Facebook page on Tuesday, December 13th* !!!!NEW THIS YEAR!!!! Troop Sales Manager Excellent Participation: The Sales Manager of any troop that meets or exceeds $1000 in sales will earn their own personalized avatar patch. !!!!NEW THIS YEAR!!!! Win a 2017 Girl Scouts of Alaska Encampment Site for your troop! All troops with their paperwork in on time (prior to Oct. 2nd) will be entered into a drawing to win a free 2017 Encampment Site ($65 value). **Encampment: June 1-4, 2017**
Question Break 1 Now let’s check out the NEW GSAK FPS online portal at FPS 2016
Volunteer Level Access Administrative functions online FPS 2016
Invitation Granting Access Prior to the start of the Fall Product Sale, volunteers will receive an from M2 inviting them to access the site Who gets an invite? Any currently registered GSAK Troop Leaders and any Troop Sales Manager that has submitted the Troop Sales Manager Agreement Form and ACH Form for their troop. Volunteers will click a link embedded in the and will set up a password After the initial set up, volunteers can return to the site and use their created password to gain access. FPS 2016
Troop Training Video FPS 2016
Instructions for Getting Started Create your avatar Optional Troop video View reports Manage paper orders (after girl entry for any girls who didn’t enter their own paper orders) FPS 2016
Campaign Headquarters Headquarters for managing a troop campaign FPS 2016
Messaging Through M2 Targeting Specific Participants, Troops and Supporters Troop to Girl Registered girls who have not launched (haven’t accessed M2 yet) All girls/parents FPS 2016
Nut Sale Administration Direct links to TNOS (delivery tickets/payment tracking) through M2 Ç√ √ FPS 2016
Entering In-Person Nut Card Orders Choose a girl name and click the pink pencil to the left of her name to edit her orders If a girl’s name is missing, click add Girl Scout button at the bottom right corner of the screen FPS 2016
Important things to note: Volunteers cannot enter or remove girls from the system; girls can enter themselves into the system if they don’t see their name on their troop list. Only one group of users can be active in M2 at a time: meaning they can edit/make changes within the system. The groups of users are: girls/parents; troop leaders; SU Sales Leads/Membership Specialists. Non active groups will still be able to view the system. FPS 2016
Reports View reports by total sales or by product Click a girl name to view the specific details of individual girl orders FPS 2016
Girl Sales in Troop Reports By clicking on a girl’s name, you will be able to view the details of her online sales including products ordered and customer names (note the 6 tab options). FPS 2016
M2 Me2 Volunteer Patch Troop Leaders can earn their own patch for $1000 in total sales!!!! FPS 2016
Final Question Break Thank You! testmoz.com/ SU/Name/Troop: SU916/Rae/1141 OR East/Rae/365 Webinar and slide show will be posted online. FPS 2016