Breast conditions After completing this session participants will be able to recognize and manage these common breast conditions: flat and inverted nipples engorgement blocked duct and mastitis sore nipples and nipple fissure 20/1
Management of flat and inverted nipples Antenatal treatment is not helpful Build the mother’s confidence Help the mother to position her baby If a baby cannot suckle effectively in the first week or two help his mother to feed with expressed milk 20/5
Causes of blocked duct and mastitis Poor drainage of whole breast: infrequent feeds short feeds Poor drainage of part of breast: ineffective suckling pressure from clothes pressure from fingers during feeds 20/9
Treatment of blocked duct and mastitis Most important – improve drainage of milk Look for cause and correct Suggest: frequent feeds gentle massage towards nipple warm compresses Start feed on unaffected side; vary position Antibiotics, analgesics, rest 20/10