Contact Rev. Deborah Hutterer to get started. I I I Welcoming the Stranger We need your help! Co-sponsor an arriving family Donate furniture, personal hygiene items, or an automobile Volunteer in areas such as interpretation, teaching, and childcare Make a gift to Lutheran Social Services to the Southwest Every year, LSS-SW re-settles 1,000 refugee families in Arizona. About 70% are women and children, and each refugee undergoes extensive interviewing, screening, and security clearance process.
Contact Rev. Deborah Hutterer to get started. I I I Welcoming the Stranger June 20 is World Refugee Day Every year, LSS-SW re-settles 1,000 refugee families in Arizona. About 70% are women and children, and each refugee undergoes extensive interviewing, screening, and security clearance process. Celebrate on social media with the hashtag #refugeeswelcome Start a dialogue with your family and friends Volunteer to support newly arrived refugees at LSS-SW