2015 Program Training Conference Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster Position Specific Training Steve Cockburn – 1
CM/ACM Training Goals of Course – An Introduction Aims Of Scouting Purposes of Cubscouting Methods of Cubscouting Youth Protection Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities Fiscal Procedures and Policies How to Conduct Successful Pack Meetings Conclusions 2
CM/ACM Training Aims of Scouting –Character Development 3
CM/ACM Training Aims of Scouting –Character Development –Citizenship Training 4
CM/ACM Training Aims of Scouting –Character Development –Citizenship Training –Personal Fitness 5
CM/ACM Training Aims of Scouting –Character Development –Citizenship Training –Personal Fitness “Through Scouting activities, advancement opportunities and the example of their Adult and Youth Leaders, boys learn to become men of sound character” 6
CM/ACM Training Aims of Scouting –Character Development –Citizenship Training –Personal Fitness “Through Scouting activities, advancement opportunities and the example of their Adult and Youth Leaders, boys learn to become men of sound character” “By understanding the Purposes of Cub Scouting and Methods to Deliver the Program will insure a quality, fun and adventurous Pack” 7
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting 8
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development 9
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth 10
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth - Good Citizenship 11
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth - Good Citizenship - Sportsmanship and Fitness 12
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth - Good Citizenship - Sportsmanship and Fitness - Family Understanding 13
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth - Good Citizenship - Sportsmanship and Fitness - Family Understanding - Respectful Relationships 14
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth - Good Citizenship - Sportsmanship and Fitness - Family Understanding - Respectful Relationships - Personal Achievement 15
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth - Good Citizenship - Sportsmanship and Fitness - Family Understanding - Respectful Relationships - Personal Achievement - Friendly Service 16
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth - Good Citizenship - Sportsmanship and Fitness - Family Understanding - Respectful Relationships - Personal Achievement - Friendly Service - Fun and Adventure 17
CM/ACM Training Purposes of Cubscouting - Character Development - Spiritual Growth - Good Citizenship - Sportsmanship and Fitness - Family Understanding - Respectful Relationships - Personal Achievement - Friendly Service - Fun and Adventure - Preparation for Boy Scouts 18
CM/ACM Training Methods of Cubscouting 19
CM/ACM Training Methods of Cubscouting - Living the Ideals 20
CM/ACM Training Methods of Cubscouting - Living the Ideals - Belonging to a Den 21
CM/ACM Training Methods of Cubscouting - Living the Ideals - Belonging to a Den - Using Advancement 22
CM/ACM Training Methods of Cubscouting - Living the Ideals - Belonging to a Den - Using Advancement - Involving Family and Home 23
CM/ACM Training Methods of Cubscouting - Living the Ideals - Belonging to a Den - Using Advancement - Involving Family and Home - Participating in Activities 24
CM/ACM Training Methods of Cubscouting - Living the Ideals - Belonging to a Den - Using Advancement - Involving Family and Home - Participating in Activities - Serving Home and Neighborhood 25
CM/ACM Training Methods of Cubscouting - Living the Ideals - Belonging to a Den - Using Advancement - Involving Family and Home - Participating in Activities - Serving Home and Neighborhood - Wearing the Uniform 26
CM/ACM Training Youth Protection 27
CM/ACM Training Youth Protection - Maintains a Safe environment 28
CM/ACM Training Youth Protection - Maintains a Safe environment - Two Deep 29
CM/ACM Training Youth Protection - Maintains a Safe environment - Two Deep - Guide to Safe Scouting 30
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities 31
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Work Directly with Den Leaders, Pack Trainer, Committee Chair and Committee members to insure Dens are functioning well. 32
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Work Directly with Den Leaders, Pack Trainer, Committee Chair and Committee members to insure Dens are functioning well. - Ensure all direct contact Leaders have completed Youth Protection and Leader Specific Training 33
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Work Directly with Den Leaders, Pack Trainer, Committee Chair and Committee members to insure Dens are functioning well. - Ensure all direct contact Leaders have completed Youth Protection and Leader Specific Training. - Work as a team with Committee Chair, Den leaders, Pack Trainer to recruit, educate, guide, support, motivate and inspire the other adult leaders. 34
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Work Directly with Den Leaders, Pack Trainer, Committee Chair and Committee members to insure Dens are functioning well. - Ensure all direct contact Leaders have completed Youth Protection and Leader Specific Training. - Work as a team with Committee Chair, Den leaders, Pack Trainer to recruit, educate, guide, support, motivate and inspire the other adult leaders. - With the help of other leaders, plan quality, year-round Pack and Den programs filled with fun and activities. 35
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Work Directly with Den Leaders, Pack Trainer, Committee Chair and Committee members to insure Dens are functioning well. - Ensure all direct contact Leaders have completed Youth Protection and Leader Specific Training. - Work as a team with Committee Chair, Den leaders, Pack Trainer to recruit, educate, guide, support, motivate and inspire the other adult leaders. - With the help of other leaders, plan quality, year-round Pack and Den programs filled with fun and activities. - Lead the monthly Pack Meetings with the help of others, involving all dens in some way. 36
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Conduct impressive advancement, recognition and graduation ceremonies. For Webelo Crossover ceremonies, involve Scoutmasters, the Order of the Arrow and other Boy Scout Leaders. 37
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Conduct impressive advancement, recognition and graduation ceremonies. For Webelo Crossover ceremonies, involve Scoutmasters, the Order of the Arrow and other Boy Scout Leaders. - Coordinate Pack membership, recruiting and transition. 38
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Conduct impressive advancement, recognition and graduation ceremonies. For Webelo Crossover ceremonies, involve Scoutmasters, the Order of the Arrow and other Boy Scout Leaders. - Coordinate Pack membership, recruiting and transition. - Maintain good relationships with all parents and guardians. Seek their support and include them in activities. 39
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Conduct impressive advancement, recognition and graduation ceremonies. For Webelo Crossover ceremonies, involve Scoutmasters, the Order of the Arrow and other Boy Scout Leaders. - Coordinate Pack membership, recruiting and transition. - Maintain good relationships with all parents and guardians. Seek their support and include them in activities. - Request Den Chiefs for all Pack Dens from Scout Troop(s). Upon selection, insure they are Trained and recognize them at all Pack Meetings. 40
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Establish and maintain good relationships with Boy Scout Troops that your Webelo Scouts may work with and/or join. 41
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Establish and maintain good relationships with Boy Scout Troops that your Webelo Scouts may work with and/or join. - Know about and use the appropriate and available literature to help improve your Pack and Dens programs and activities. 42
CM/ACM Training Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster Responsibilities - Establish and maintain good relationships with Boy Scout Troops that your Webelo Scouts may work with and/or join. - Know about and use the appropriate and available literature to help improve your Pack and Dens programs and activities. - Attend Monthly Roundtable Meetings and associated Cubscout Break out sessions for information on local activities and program updates that help continue providing a quality program for your Cubscouts. 43
CM/ACM Training Fiscal Procedures and Policies 44
CM/ACM Training Fiscal Procedures and Policies - All units need a Checking and Savings account to deposit yearly dues, registration fees and fundraising monies. All purchases, reimbursements and payments to be run through these accounts. 45
CM/ACM Training Fiscal Procedures and Policies - All units need a Checking and Savings account to deposit yearly dues, registration fees and fundraising monies. All purchases, reimbursements and payments to be run through these accounts. - All units should have a Tax ID number by completing IRS Form SS-4. See or call
CM/ACM Training Fiscal Procedures and Policies - All units need a Checking and Savings account to deposit yearly dues, registration fees and fundraising monies. All purchases, reimbursements and payments to be run through these accounts. - All units should have a Tax ID number by completing IRS Form SS-4. See or call Committee Chair is in Charge of accounts, but should recruit and assign a Treasurer to handle all accounts. It is recommended that you have two signatories on the accounts. 47
CM/ACM Training Fiscal Procedures and Policies - All units need a Checking and Savings account to deposit yearly dues, registration fees and fundraising monies. All purchases, reimbursements and payments to be run through these accounts. - All units should have a Tax ID number by completing IRS Form SS-4. See or call Committee Chair is in Charge of accounts, but should recruit and assign a Treasurer to handle all accounts. It is recommended that you have two signatories on the accounts. - All unit fundraising requires approval of BSA’s Money Earning Application by Council and Chartered Organization. 48
CM/ACM Training Resources for Help - Local Roundtable – 2 nd Thursday every Month Unit Commissioner District Commissioner District Executive Chartered Org Rep Scoutmaster of Local Troop Order of the Arrow Chapter Program Training Conference Scout Shop – Printed Leader Guides Your Units Parents via Talent Survey 49
CM/ACM Training Resources for Help – Other Boys Life Magazine Scouting Magazine – blog.scoutingmagazine.org Facebook, Pinterest, You Tube, etc. Numerous Websites – Type in ”Cub Scouts” = 1.2 million hits 50
CM/ACM Training 51 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps Before Meeting Starts Gathering Time Activities Opening Program Recognition Boys Adults Closing After The Meeting
CM/ACM Training 52 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - Preparation
CM/ACM Training 53 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - Preparation - One Month ahead - select Pack Meeting Theme (#1)
CM/ACM Training 54 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - Preparation - One Month ahead - select Pack Meeting Theme - Reminder: All Pack Meeting Themes and/or programs are to support the Scout Law during the Scouting Year
CM/ACM Training 55 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - Preparation - One Month ahead - select Pack Meeting Theme - Reminder: All Pack Meeting Themes and/or programs are to support the Scout Law during the Scouting Year - Two Weeks ahead - Confirm Den Participation, guest speakers/performers advancements turned in to Advancement Chair
CM/ACM Training 56 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - Preparation - One Month ahead - select Pack Meeting Theme - Reminder: All Pack Meeting Themes and/or programs are to support the Scout Law during the Scouting Year - Two Weeks ahead - Confirm Den Participation, guest speakers/performers, advancements turned in to Advancement Chair - One Week Ahead - Confirm Room, send reminder to entire Pack
CM/ACM Training 57 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - One hour before Meeting. - Set up room – Chairs, Flags, Fliers, Posters
CM/ACM Training 58 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - One hour before Meeting. - Set up room – Chairs, Flags, Fliers, Posters 2. Gathering Time Activities - Age Appropriate, Scout Related, FUN
CM/ACM Training 59 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - One hour before Meeting. - Set up room – Chairs, Flags, Fliers, Posters 2. Gathering Time Activities - Age Appropriate, Scout Related, FUN - Den Presentations of month activity
CM/ACM Training 60 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - One hour before Meeting. - Set up room – Chairs, Flags, Fliers, Posters 2. Gathering Time Activities - Age Appropriate, Scout Related, FUN - Den Presentations of month activity - Adult presentations of upcoming events and activities
CM/ACM Training 61 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - One hour before Meeting. - Set up room – Chairs, Flags, Fliers, Posters 2. Gathering Time Activities - Age Appropriate, Scout Related, FUN - Den Presentations of month activity - Adult presentations of upcoming events and activities 3. Opening - Flag Presentation, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer
CM/ACM Training 62 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 1. Before Meeting Starts - One hour before Meeting. - Set up room – Chairs, Flags, Fliers, Posters 2. Gathering Time Activities - Age Appropriate, Scout Related, FUN - Den Presentations of month activity - Adult presentations of upcoming events and activities 3. Opening - Flag Presentation, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer - Introductions, Uniforms, Conduct
CM/ACM Training 63 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 4. Program - Themes
CM/ACM Training 64 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 4. Program - Themes - Den Presentations, Outside Vendors, Council/District
CM/ACM Training 65 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 4. Program - Themes - Den Presentations, Outside Vendors, Council/District - Skits, Songs, Cubscout Activity
CM/ACM Training 66 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 4. Program - Themes - Den Presentations, Outside Vendors, Council/District - Skits, Songs, Cubscout Activity 5. Recognition – Youth - Activity Pins and Belt Loops – via Den Leaders
CM/ACM Training 67 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 4. Program - Themes - Den Presentations, Outside Vendors, Council/District - Skits, Songs, Cubscout Activity 5. Recognition – Youth - Activity Pins and Belt Loops – via Den Leaders - Rank Advancement – via Cubmaster
CM/ACM Training 68 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 4. Program - Themes - Den Presentations, Outside Vendors, Council/District - Skits, Songs, Cubscout Activity 5. Recognition – Youth - Activity Pins and Belt Loops – via Den Leaders - Rank Advancement – via Cubmaster - Special
CM/ACM Training 69 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 4. Program - Themes - Den Presentations, Outside Vendors, Council/District - Skits, Songs, Cubscout Activity 5. Recognition – Youth - Activity Pins and Belt Loops – via Den Leaders - Rank Advancement – via Cubmaster - Special Recognition - Adult
CM/ACM Training 70 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 4. Program - Themes - Den Presentations, Outside Vendors, Council/District - Skits, Songs, Cubscout Activity 5. Recognition – Youth - Activity Pins and Belt Loops – via Den Leaders - Rank Advancement – via Cubmaster - Special Recognition – Adult Reminders – Have Plan, To the Point, Variety, Inspirational and Motivational, KISMIF
CM/ACM Training 71 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 6. Closing - Announcements
CM/ACM Training 72 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 6. Closing - Announcements - Cubmaster Minute
CM/ACM Training 73 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 6. Closing - Announcements - Cubmaster Minute - Retiring the Colors
CM/ACM Training 74 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 6. Closing - Announcements - Cubmaster Minute - Retiring the Colors 7. After the Pack Meeting - Evaluation of previous meeting
CM/ACM Training 75 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 6. Closing - Announcements - Cubmaster Minute - Retiring the Colors 7. After the Pack Meeting - Evaluation of previous meeting - Pack Planning Conference and Leader Meeting
CM/ACM Training 76 Monthly Meeting Plan – Seven Steps 6. Closing - Announcements - Cubmaster Minute - Retiring the Colors 7. After the Pack Meeting - Evaluation of previous meeting - Pack Planning Conference and Leader Meeting - Reminders – Time and Location consistencies, length of meeting, age appropriate activities
CM/ACM Training 77 Course Conclusions:
CM/ACM Training 78 Course Conclusions: -Encourage all Leaders to be Trained
CM/ACM Training 79 Course Conclusions: -Encourage all Leaders to be Trained -Always starts with the uniform
CM/ACM Training 80 Course Conclusions: -Encourage all Leaders to be Trained -Always starts with the uniform -Communication with leaders and parents is key
CM/ACM Training 81 Course Conclusions: -Encourage all Leaders to be Trained -Always starts with the uniform -Communication with leaders and parents is key -Planning, planning, planning
CM/ACM Training 82 Course Conclusions: -Encourage all Leaders to be Trained -Always starts with the uniform -Communication with leaders and parents is key -Planning, planning, planning -Age appropriate activities
CM/ACM Training 83 Course Conclusions: -Encourage all Leaders to be Trained -Always starts with the uniform -Communication with leaders and parents is key -Planning, planning, planning -Age appropriate activities -You are not alone, use resources available to you
CM/ACM Training 84 Course Conclusions: -Encourage all Leaders to be Trained -Always starts with the uniform -Communication with leaders and parents is key -Planning, planning, planning -Age appropriate activities -You are not alone, use resources available to you -Remember – Scouting is Fun with a Purpose
CM/ACM Training 85 Course Conclusions: -Encourage all Leaders to be Trained -Always starts with the uniform -Communication with leaders and parents is key -Planning, planning, planning -Age appropriate activities -You are not alone, use resources available to you -Remember – Scouting is Fun with a Purpose -KISMIF
CM/ACM Training - Handouts So you’re a New Cubmaster Sample Pack Meeting Plans – October & November Pack Meeting Planning Sheet Family Talent Survey Sheet Age Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities Uniform Inspection Sheets - Adult, Scout, Webelo Pack Budget Planning Sample Budget Worksheet Unit Money Earning Application Den Leader Training Award form Scouters Training Award for Cub Scouting Form Cubmaster Key Progress Record Form 86
CM/ACM Training 87 THANK YOU!! Thank you for your commitment to becoming a trained Cubscout Leader.
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