Advantages/Disadvantages of Non- Traditional Athletic Training Settings Kristen Gieniec
“Today, athletic trainers can be found working in a wide variety of “non- traditional” settings. Not only do athletic trainers work in hospitals, corporations, industrial settings, but have delved out into the world of NASCAR racing, NASA, rodeo, police and fire safety to name a few. Potential for employment as an athletic trainer is left only to the imagination and creative problem solving of current vocational trends and shortages.” -Jeanna Polonchek, Ed.D, ATC
Settings Corporate Industrial Occupational Rodeo NASCAR NASA Police Fire Safety
Why Hire Athletic Trainers? It is shown that if a company can hire a health care professional to rehabilitate their injured employees, the costs of treatment decrease drastically. If an employee is treated on site by an ATC for example, the ATC is an employee of the company so that is the only cost the company needs to pay.
In turn the insurance costs decrease drastically. Another benefit of having an ATC on site for rehabilitation purposes is that employees in need of rehab will miss less work if the rehab is on site.
Salaries- Traditional Secondary School –High School (Private) $41,000 Secondary School –High School (Public) $43,884 Clinic –Hospital Base/Clinic $43,341 Clinic –Secondary School/Clinic $35,227 College/University –Prof. Staff/Athletics/Clinic $37,678 Average= $40, NATA Salary Survey
Salaries- Non-Traditional Industrial/Occupational –Clinic $47,371 Industrial/Occupational –Ergonomics $43,714 Industrial/Occupational – Health/Wellness/Fitness $38,750 Corporate –Business Sales/Marketing $52,178 Corporate –Health/Wellness/Fitness $49,012 Average= $46, NATA Salary Survey
Salary Averages by Years of Experience Years Average Annual Income 0-1$28, $32,262
Working Hours Non-Traditional ATC –Corporate/Industrial ~ 7a-3p / 8a-4p Traditional ATC –College/High School ~ 2p-8p
Advantages The previously mentioned characteristics of the jobs described can all be considered as advantages. Better hours and pay are seen in mostly all of the positions. These jobs can be considered for any one with an Athletic Training degree.
Disadvantages A disadvantage of the Non-Traditional setting may be viewed as the lack of variety and uniqueness to everyday experienced by Traditional setting athletic trainers. Another disadvantage could be the fact that traditional athletic trainers usually get their summers off while school is out of session.
References Zimmerman, G. “Industrial Medicine and Athletic Training: Cost-Effectiveness in the Non-traditional Setting.” J Athl Train Summer; 28(2): , 134-[136]