Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
God is gracious in all He does! Eph. 1:3-14, James 1:12-18, esp. 1:17. God is gracious in all He does! Eph. 1:3-14, James 1:12-18, esp. 1:17. Even “fearing the LORD” is a blessing! Ps. 112, esp. 112:1, Ps. 128, esp. 128:1, 4, Prov. 28:14 & 31:30, Eccl. 7:18. Even “fearing the LORD” is a blessing! Ps. 112, esp. 112:1, Ps. 128, esp. 128:1, 4, Prov. 28:14 & 31:30, Eccl. 7:18. The LORD commanded His people “for their good always” to observe all Moses’ statues and “to fear the LORD our God” as well as to “walk in His ways” and “to love Him and to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” Dt. 6:24 & 10:12-13, 20. The LORD commanded His people “for their good always” to observe all Moses’ statues and “to fear the LORD our God” as well as to “walk in His ways” and “to love Him and to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” Dt. 6:24 & 10:12-13, 20. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Jesus commands us to fear the LORD as well as to love Him! Mt. 10, esp. 10:28 & 10:31/Lk. 12, esp. 12:4-5, 7 & Mt. 22:34-40., esp. 22:37/Mk. 12:13-17, esp. 12:30 (= Dt. 6:5 & Lev. 19:18) & Lk. 10:25-37, esp. 10: Cf. Acts 2:43, 9:31, I Pet. 2:17, II Cor. 4:13-5:10, Phil. 3:23-23, II Thess. 1:5-2:2, Rev. 11:18, 14:7, 15:4, 19:5. Jesus commands us to fear the LORD as well as to love Him! Mt. 10, esp. 10:28 & 10:31/Lk. 12, esp. 12:4-5, 7 & Mt. 22:34-40., esp. 22:37/Mk. 12:13-17, esp. 12:30 (= Dt. 6:5 & Lev. 19:18) & Lk. 10:25-37, esp. 10: Cf. Acts 2:43, 9:31, I Pet. 2:17, II Cor. 4:13-5:10, Phil. 3:23-23, II Thess. 1:5-2:2, Rev. 11:18, 14:7, 15:4, 19:5. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fearing the LORD (Hebrew yare, Greek , or & ) means soberly and humbly recognizing the LORD’s all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving reality in contrast to all creation, including people – especially including us – so that we hold Him in awe, wonder and respectful fear. Fearing the LORD (Hebrew yare, Greek , or & ) means soberly and humbly recognizing the LORD’s all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving reality in contrast to all creation, including people – especially including us – so that we hold Him in awe, wonder and respectful fear. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
God’s people were also commanded to “fear” or hold in awe and reverence (1) the LORD in Dt. 6:24 & 10:12-13, (2) parents in Lev. 19, esp. 19:3, (3) the sanctuary of the LORD in Lev. 19:30 & 26:2. God’s people were also commanded to “fear” or hold in awe and reverence (1) the LORD in Dt. 6:24 & 10:12-13, (2) parents in Lev. 19, esp. 19:3, (3) the sanctuary of the LORD in Lev. 19:30 & 26:2. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
God’s people today are commanded to fear the LORD since He controls nature, governments and the afterlife. Mt. 10, esp. 10:28 & 31/Lk. 12, esp. 12:4-5, 7, Rom. 11:20, II Cor. 5:10-11, 7:1, Phil. 2:12-13, I Pet. 1:17, 3:2 & 15, Jude 1:23, Rom. 13:1, 3-4, Col. 3:22 vs. Rom. 3:9-18, esp. 3:18/Ps. 36:1. Cf. Lk. 1:50. God’s people today are commanded to fear the LORD since He controls nature, governments and the afterlife. Mt. 10, esp. 10:28 & 31/Lk. 12, esp. 12:4-5, 7, Rom. 11:20, II Cor. 5:10-11, 7:1, Phil. 2:12-13, I Pet. 1:17, 3:2 & 15, Jude 1:23, Rom. 13:1, 3-4, Col. 3:22 vs. Rom. 3:9-18, esp. 3:18/Ps. 36:1. Cf. Lk. 1:50. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
God’s people today are also commanded to fear or hold in awe and reverence… (1) ruling authorities in Rom. 13:7, (2) husbands in Eph. 5:33, and (3) supervisors (or masters) in Eph. 6:5 & I Pet. 2:18. God’s people today are also commanded to fear or hold in awe and reverence… (1) ruling authorities in Rom. 13:7, (2) husbands in Eph. 5:33, and (3) supervisors (or masters) in Eph. 6:5 & I Pet. 2:18. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fearing the LORD is the start of all wisdom and knowledge, and it starts with an open mind, grows as we listen with other believers to His word, grows as we use His providence to serve His purposes, and produces leaders who are such God- fearing people. Fearing the LORD is the start of all wisdom and knowledge, and it starts with an open mind, grows as we listen with other believers to His word, grows as we use His providence to serve His purposes, and produces leaders who are such God- fearing people. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary found joyful fear in Jesus’ resurrection! Mt. 28, esp. 28:8. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary found joyful fear in Jesus’ resurrection! Mt. 28, esp. 28:8. How does Fear of the LORD affect the spread of the gospel? II Cor. 3:1-5:21, esp. 5:10-11 & How does Fear of the LORD affect the spread of the gospel? II Cor. 3:1-5:21, esp. 5:10-11 & Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD is seen, recognized and appreciated by those who persuade people. Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade people. Fear of the LORD leads us to try to persuade people – any person! Are you in awe of Him or anxious about evangelism? Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD is seen, recognized and appreciated by those who persuade people. We know (Greek = = to see, recognize or know) the fear – the terror! – of the LORD. We must open our eyes and see the awesome, overpowering LORD. II Cor. 5: Cf. Mk. 4:1-34, esp. 4:12/Lk. 8:4-18, esp. 8:10/Mt. 13:1-52, esp. 13:14, Jn. 12:36b-50, esp. 12:40, Acts 28:23-29, esp. 28:26 & Rom. 11:1-36, esp. 11:8 = applications of Is. 6:9-10. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD is seen, recognized and appreciated by those who persuade people. The LORD has provided evidence for His eternal power and divine nature for eyes open, but we must honor or glorify Him and give thanks rather than exchanging His glory for dishonor. Rom. 1:18-2:16, esp. 1:20-21, 24, 26, 28, 31-32, 2:2, 5-10, 12, Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD is seen, recognized and appreciated by those who persuade people. This interest in persuading others grows as we know that Christians share His comfort while we are sharing His suffering. II Cor. 1:3-7, esp. 1:7. This interest in persuading others grows as we know that the One who raised Jesus from the dead will raise us also and present us together with fellow Christians. II Cor. 4:7-18, esp. 4:14. Cf. I Cor. 15, esp. 15:20-24, & I Thess. 4: Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD is seen, recognized and appreciated by those who persuade people. This interest in persuading others grows as we know that we have a building from God that is a house not made with hands that is eternal in the heavens when the earthly tent which is now our house is torn down. II Cor. 5:1-11, esp. 5:1, I Cor. 15, esp. 15:51-57, 58. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD is seen, recognized and appreciated by those who persuade people. This interest in persuading others grows as we know that we are absent from the Lord while present in the body and we would prefer to be at home with the Lord and absent from the body, so we make it our ambition to be well-pleasing to Him. II Cor. 5:6, 8-9, Phil. 1: Cf. I Pet. 4:1-2. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade people. Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade people. Knowing the Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade (Greek = to induce by words to believe, persuade or convict someone of something so that they believe, trust, and are loyal to the conviction) people. II Cor. 5:11 & Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade people. Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade people. Christians reasoned with unbelievers to persuade them to become Christians since the gospel is the power of God for salvation. Acts 18:4, 19:8, 26:28-29, Rom. 1:16. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade people. Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade people. We tell others what we have heard “in front of many witnesses,” handling the word correctly, and avoid quarrelling by remembering that God may grant them repentance to the truth and they may recover themselves from the power of the devil by obeying God. II Tim. 2, esp. 2:2, 15, We do this remembering that Scripture is inspired by God and is able to do what He wants done. II Tim. 3:15-4:5. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD leads us to try to persuade people – any person! We persuade people (Greek = a human being) – “men” in the most general sense as humans of either gender and from any background. II Cor. 5:11 & 14-15, Mk. 16:15-16, Mt. 28:18-20, Acts 8:12. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD leads us to try to persuade people – any person! We love people as we love God, in Whose image each person is created. Gen. 1:26, Mk. 12:28-34, esp. 12:30/Mt. 22:34-40, esp. 22:37 & Lk. 10:25-28, esp. 10:27. Cf. James 3:9, I Jn. 4:20. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fear of the LORD is seen, recognized and appreciated by those who persuade people. Fear of the LORD leads us to persuade people. Fear of the LORD leads us to try to persuade people – any person! Are you in awe of Him or anxious about evangelism? Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People
Fearing the LORD frees from all other fears. Choose your fear. Knowing the Fear of the LORD, We Persuade People