Jason Middleton Programmes Manager New Anglia LEP Business Support
One of 39 Local Enterprise Partnerships in England Cover the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk Formed as a ‘not for profit’ company in 2011 Small executive team and private sector led Board Objective ‘To grow and develop the economy through businesses growth and job creation’ New Anglia LEP
Enterprise and Innovation Skills Growth Locations Broadband, Mobile and other Infrastructure Key sectors- Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering, Agri-Tech, Energy, ICT/Digital Creative, Life Sciences, Agriculture Food and Drink, Financial and Insurance Services, Ports and Logistics, Tourism and Culture. New Anglia LEP
General Election announced in March 2010 What will business support look like in April 2012? Probable significant changes to business support Traditionally complex landscape; need to simplify Business Support identified as a key LEP activity Business Support Landscape
Local access points for local and national services Face to face support to supplement national provision Business start-up advice and workshops Enhance access to finance, including a new funding Make specific provision for high growth businesses Support and facilitate business mentoring activity Community based economic regeneration Support for social enterprise development Business premises and incubator space Develop best practice from existing provision Business Support Landscape
Local access points for local and national services Face to face support to supplement national provision Business start-up advice and workshops Enhance access to finance, including a new funding Make specific provision for high growth businesses Support and facilitate business mentoring activity Community based economic regeneration Support for social enterprise development Business premises and incubator space Develop best practice from existing provision Business Support Landscape
Initially based on Ipswich and Norwich City Deal areas Bid into the Regional Growth Fund for business support Support covers the whole of Norfolk and Suffolk Activity started March 2014 and continues … Simple schemes that address business needs Business Growth Programme
The place to go to for all forms of business support: - Provides FREE business support and advice Ten qualified Business Growth Advisors Web resources and telephone support Help and advice on - Funding, legal issues, VAT, finance, legislation, skills, training, mentoring, business planning, sector specific advice…. The advisers come to you, to save you going to them! Growth Hub
£13.65m of grants to create jobs in SMEs Grants between £5,000 and £500,000 at 20% of costs Support for ‘distinct’ projects to grow your business Create one full time job for every £10,000 of grant Open to most SMEs (some exceptions) Simple and quick application process with support To date we have awarded over 200 grants to SMEs Growing Business Fund
£1 million of funding to increase start-up levels In-depth support provided by MENTA and NWES One to one support, advice, training and workshops Ongoing help and advice following start-up phase Support for businesses in their first two years of trading Links to mentoring schemes and more specialist support Business Start-ups
Multi million pound revolving loan scheme Support to unlock ‘stalled’ development sites Support for capital infrastructure for growth Applications developed with the district council Interest charged at a competitive rate A case has to be made that the development will not go ahead without the support of the scheme Growing Places Fund
Significant changes to business support recently Loss of Business Growth Service and other schemes LEP review of business support – Completed May 2016 Development of new schemes and programmes: - Productivity Support Programme Micro Grant Scheme Support for Social Enterprise Greater access to finance Enhancement of Growth Hub Services Future Activity
New scheme planned for April 2016 (Anticipated) Grants between £1,000 and £10,000 at 20% of costs Support for ‘distinct’ projects to grow your business Open to most SMEs (some exceptions) Very quick application process with support Aim to award 100 grants each year for three years Register your interest with the Growth Hub Micro Grant Scheme
Jason Middleton Programmes Manager New Anglia Growth Hub