NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULEUNIT MAP CURRENT UNIT Terms to know: Linear Plot Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution/ Denoument Historical and Cultural Context Internal Conflict External Conflict Limited vs. Omniscient POV Subjective vs. Objective POV Characterization (Indirect vs. Direct) Protagonist Antagonist Theme vs. Topic Stated vs. Implied Major vs. Minor identifying 7 th Grade ELARFiction and Drama Poetry and Speeches Plot and Setting Conflict and Resolution Point of View Character Theme evaluating distinguishing analyzing determining Identify Evaluate Distinguish Analyze Determine Infer Summarize 1.Identify the linear plot development and the type of conflict in the story. Was the conflict resolved? How? 2.How does the point of view influence the story? 3.What are the characteristics of the protagonist? The antagonist? How do the character’s traits influence the events in the story? In Drama, how does the dialogue and staging contribute to the characterization? 4.How do the central character’s qualities and the resolution of the conflict influence the theme of a literary work? understanding the connections between literary elements to make meaning of a text by… Who are you?
NAME DATE The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map Fiction and Drama is about... 9 Plot and Setting Conflict and Resolution Point of View Character Theme identifying evaluating distinguishing determining 1 st person- narrator is a character in story (I, me, we) 3 rd person- narrator is outside the story 3 rd person Omniscient- “all-knowing”; narrator knows everything about all the characters 3 rd person Limited- narrator can see into the mind of only one character, usually the main character 3 rd person Objective- narrator reveals only actions/words without the benefit of the inner thoughts/feelings 3 rd person Subjective- the story is subject to the perspective of one character (only revealing their inner thoughts and feelings). Linear Plot- events in time order Setting Time- when? Place- where? Historical/ Cultural Context- context that influences the story (example: wartime) Exposition- introduce characters and setting Inciting Incident- introduce conflict Rising Action- events trying to solve conflict Climax- turning point Falling Action- events lead to resolution Resolution/Denoument- conflict solved Conflict- problem the protagonist tries to solve Internal Conflict- mental or emotional problem within the character (man vs. self) External Conflict- problem is outside main character Man vs. Man- another character (antagonist) Man vs. Nature- animal or natural occurrence Man vs. Society- group of people, beliefs, values, laws Protagonist- central character drives the action Antagonist- opposes protagonist Characterization- how author reveals characters’ traits In Drama, characterization is revealed through dialogue and staging. Direct- author tells what a character is like Indirect- author reveals characters’ traits through: Speech Thoughts Effects on others Actions Looks Theme- Opinion about the topic; Complete sentence Topic- The main idea; 1 or 2 words Stated- theme is directly said in the story Implied- theme is hidden; use clues to find the theme Major- the main focus of the story; usually learned by the central character Minor- present in the story but not the major focus; a secondary theme The resolution to the conflict indicates theme. analyzing understanding the connections between literary elements to make meaning of a text by…