Chapter 1 The Impact of Jesus p. 3 – 8 on line review that can be to teacher /parents-and-students/grades-1-8/grades/grade-7
Aim: Who is Jesus and how has he impacted society? I.Son: Jesus = The Lord saves, second person of the Trinity A. Symbol = fish B. The Christ (Greek) = Messiah (Hebrew) “anointed one” role of priest, prophet and king C. Son of God – his unique relationship to God the Father, divine sonship, called his father Abba – Dad (Hebrew) 1. Incarnation – “in the flesh” Jesus being born as fully human12/25 Christmas D. Second person of the Trinity- mystery of the existence of God in three Persons – Father, Son & Holy Spirit 9 th period 10/4
continue II. Impact on society 2 nd period 10/4 A. Savior – through the Paschal Mystery Jesus rescued the human race 1. Paschal Mystery – passion, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus a. Celebrated at every Eucharist 2. Jesus ended the power of sin and death over us 3. eternal life – never-ending life after death with God, granted to those who die as God’s friends, with the grace of God alive in them
Pop Quiz 1.saves, second person of the Trinity _____ 2.“Anointed one” Greek_____ 3.“Anointed one” Hebrew ____ 4.his unique relationship to God the Father, divine sonship, ____ 5.Dad (Hebrew) Jesus Christ Messiah Son of God Abba
Pop Quiz Part II 1.mystery of the existence of God in three Persons – Father, Son & Holy Spirit 2.“in the flesh” Jesus being born as fully human12/25 Christmas 3.through the Paschal Mystery Jesus rescued the human race 4.never-ending life after death with God, granted to those who die as God’s friends, with the grace of God alive in them 5.passion, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Trinity Incarnation Savor Eternal-life Paschal Mystery
What are the Three Mystery of Our Faith we learned about in this chapter? Three Mystery of Our Faith Trinity Incarnation Paschal Mystery
Read page 3 together How are you like a diamond and a pebble? Psalm 139 “You formed my inmost being: you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderful you made me
Bible: John 1: 1-4, 10-12, and 14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; He was in the world, and the world came to be through him, but the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth. Start notes
Day 3, pages 4 & 5 Think about someone you love very much. Write down how much you know about them. Three Mystery of Our Faith Trinity Incarnation Paschal Mystery Read : It is in Your Hands, page 4 Read: Carpenter with Influence, page 4 Homework : Read page 5 and d efine the following words is complete sentences: Jesus, Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Abba Bible: John 1: 1-4, 10-12, and 14
Day 4 Page 6 Read page 6 together Distribute: One Solitary Life Need 3 soloist Half the room Part I, other half Part II Meditation: the Jesus Prayer Inhale: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God” Exhale: “have mercy on me a sinner”
Day 5: Chapter Review Test tomorrow Homework: Chapter Review Activity page 8 resources.htm resources.htm
Homework Assignments Chapter 1 A VIP: MeHandout Letters to Parent: to be read, sign and RETURNED as a homework grade Part I Define the following words is complete sentences: Jesus, Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Abba Part II Define the following words is complete sentences: Incarnation, Trinity, Paschal Mystery, and Eternal Life resources.htm do quiz on line and submit to me resources.htm Homework: Chapter Review Activity page 8
Day 1 Need: BLM 3, BLM 4A & B, Music CD 1 track 8 Book Presentations List all the names of Jesus with a partner Handout for Prayer Service BLM 3 Pre-Test/Post Test BLM 4 A & B
New Evangelization: Gather and Go Forth Discuss the meaning of the word impact by comparing a gentle snowfall to a blizzard. What most impacts your life? Read page 9 together Reflection Questions Chapter I Think about the impact Jesus has on your life? How can you proclaim Jesus’ impact on your life to others? Read page 10 together Closing Prayer together:
Day 2, page 3, soft music How would the world be different if you didn’t exist now or in the future? Why do you exist? Skit: wrapping a students as a gift What is the message of this skit? Why could we have wrapped up any one of you? Play soft music as the students reflect prayerfully on a time in their lives when someone showed special love or concern for them. Have them consider these questions : 1. What did this experience tell me about myself? 2. What did it tell me about God? 3. Why do I want to remember this? Read page 3 together How are you like a diamond and a pebble? Psalm 139 “You formed my inmost being: you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderful you made me