Brain & Behavior อ. พญ. ปุณย์จารี วิริยโกศล ภาควิชาจิตเวชศาสตร์ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
Cerebral Hemisphere
Frontal lobe 3
Prefrontal areas are 33% of cerebral cortical surface in humans (Goldman-Rakic,1984)
Functions Execution of motor movements (primary motor cortex) Selection of motor movements (premotor cortex) Executive Functions: planning, task persistence, ignoring distracting stimuli, working memory (prefrontal cortex) Alberto J. Michael H. (2012) Frontal Lobe Syndromes [cited 2014 April 27]. Available from overview 6
Primary Motor Cortex/ Precentral Gyrus Broca’s Area Orbitofrontal Cortex Olfactory Bulb Modified from:
Primary Motor Cortex 370/slides/Frontal.ppt 9 Input : ventral lateral thalamic nucleus, primary somatosensory area in parietal lobe Output to internal capsule Pyramidal motor functions Flacid hemiparesis or hemiplegia on contralateral side Later spastic hemiparesis or hemiplegia
Premotor cortex 370/slides/Frontal.ppt 10 Input : ventral anterior thalamic nucleus Output : motor area and corpus callosum to contralat. premotor area Integration of sensory and motor information Praxis Apraxia Preserved postural praxis via basal ganglia Contralateral fine motor deficits Difficulty using sensory feedback
Frontal eye field 370/slides/Frontal.ppt 11 Volitional eye movement in contralateral visual field Active visual search Failure to move eyes volitionally to contralateral visual field Intact passive eye movement Poor visual search
Dorsolateral PFC Executive functions –Integration of multimodal sensory information –Generation of multiple response alternatives –Selection of appropriate response –Maintenance of set, persistence –Set shifting, flexibility –Spatial working memory 370/slides/Frontal.ppt 12 Difficulty integrating sensory information Generation of few, stereotyped response alternatives Poor judgment in response Perseveration
Orbitofrontal 370/slides/Frontal.ppt 13 Input : limbic and olfactory systems ventral visual pathways Output : autonomic musculature and endocrine system Modulation of affective social behavior Working memory Integration of memory and emotional valence Smell discrimination Disinhibition, socially inappropriate behavior Failure on feature working memory tasks Anosmia Confabulation
Phineas gage
Temporal lobe 15
Function ▸ Visual Memories ▸ Processing Sensory Input ▸ Language Recognition ▸ New Memories
Kluver-Bucy syndrome Hyperphagia Hyper sexuality Hyper metamorphosis Placidity
Parietal lobe 19
Function ▸ Two point discrimination ▸ Touch Localization ▸ Reading, interpret words ▸ Perform complex movements ▸ Visuospatial orientation
Primary Somatosensory Cortex/ Postcentral Gyrus Primary Gustatory Cortex Somatosensory Association Cortex Modified from:
Gerstmann syndrome ▸ Acalculia ▸ Alexia ▸ Finger agnosia ▸ Left-Right confusion ▸
Occipital lobe 23
Function ▸ Primary Visual Cortex
Primary Visual Cortex Visual Association Area Modified from:
HELLO! I am Jayden Smith Diencephalon
“Hub of Information”
Let’s start with the first set of slides Cerebellum
Function ▸ Cognitive Function ▸ Motor control ▸ Classical conditioning
Brain Stem Pathways Sensory pathway Motor pathway Cranial nerves III – XII Cardiovascular control Respiratory control Alertness Vomiting Brain Reward Circuit
Brain & Language ▸ Wernicke’s area ▸ Broca’s area ▸ Arcuate
Brain & Language Aphasia impairment of language, usually caused by left hemisphere Broca’s area (impairing speaking) Wernicke’s area (impairing understanding) Broca Expression Wernicke Comprehension
Primary Auditory Cortex Wernicke's Area Primary Olfactory Cortex (Deep) Conducted from Olfactory Bulb Modified from:
Brain & Learning/Memory
Memory Declarative (Explicit) Semantic Episodic Non Declarative(Implicit) Emotional Response Skills and Habits Reflex Hippocampus, Medial Temporal Lobe Amygdala Supplementary motor area Cerebellum Basal ganglia
Brain & Emotions
▸อารมณ์พื้นฐาน : กลัว โกรธ เกลียด สนุก Limbic System ▸อารมณ์ที่ซับซ้อน : อิจฉา รู้สึกผิด ภาคภูมิใจ สงบสุข PFC, anterior cingulate cortex
Limbic System Dentate gyrus Amygdala Hippocampus Parahippocampal gyrus Cingulate gyrus Thalamus Hypothalamus
Brain & Social Behavior
Click the Region to see its Name Korbinian Broadmann - Learn about the man who divided the Cerebral Cortex into 52 distinct regions: Modified from: 8.tif.jpghttp:// 8.tif.jpg
References and Credits ▸ overview.html overview.html ▸ ette/Human_brain.ppt ▸ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival