Renaissance Period
Polital Events Fall of Constantinople (1453) Capture of the Byzantine – 1,110 years old, marked as the end of the Middle ages and the fuel to the Renaissance. Luther’s 95 Theses (1517) Doc. Martin Luther: Lecture that was nailed to the door of the Church. The first split from the catholic church (Lutheran) Council of Trent ( ) Met in response to Luther’s 95 Theses. Brought about reform and explanation of the catholic doctrine. Reign of Elizabeth I (1545 – 1603) Ruled for 44 years with prosperity and has Elizabethan Era named after her. Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588)
Musical Events Beginning of Music Printing (1500) Development of Italian Madrigal 30 seconds in
Rebirth Learning became important symbol for the middle and upper classes Movable type in the printing press. Allowed for music to be printed and duplicated to send all over Europe Every educated person was trained in music. Instruments became more popular
Josquin des Prez Was Popular in his lifetime. Worked with Counterpoint. 1 melody against another melody 18 settings of the Roman Catholic mass – 6 settings of different mass – 112 motets (vocal pieces 3 & 4 voices) 70 chansons (3 voices, 1 or 2 lower voices are instruments tch?v=LUAgAF4Khmg tch?v=LUAgAF4Khmg “Father of Musicians” Josquin was a great composer who demanded higher salary and composed only when he wanted to not when he was asked
MOTETS & CHANSONS /watch?v=O2MuqpcfuM4 /watch?v=0yd5EE0hAB8 /watch?v=uv-LgLq_wmY
SACRED MUSIC MOTET Vocal piece for 3 or 4 voices most popular but occasionally 5 or 6 voices Sacred during the Renaissance period More than one text and always LATIN
SACRED MUSIC MASS Most important religious service in Roman Catholic Church Proper – number of different sections and changed daily Ordinary – 1. Kyrie (prayer for mercy) 2. Gloria (joyful hymn) 3. Credo (confession of faith) 4. Sanctus (praise the holiness of God) 5. Agnus Dei (praises the lamb of God who takes away sin from the world) Requiem – sung at funerals and memorial services.
SECULAR MUSIC Became an important form of expression for the educated and advanced composers. Chansons – dance music generally with three voices and one or two of the lower voices being instruments Instruments became important, in particular instrumental dance songs were extremely popular. Recorders, string = indoor instruments Shawm (medieval oboe) sackbutt (medieval trombone Madrigal a motet of secular music. 4 – 6 voices Claudio Monteverdi
Italy Prodigy composer Viola player L’Orfeo – first opera Single father 3
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Masses and motets Organist and choirmaster Taught music Council of trent highered to revise the official chant book, completed by others because of death 3 sons 2 died remarried to a wealthy widow. Popularity grew after his death
Giovanni Gabrieli Briged the Renaissance and Baroque Period Instrumental works Organist