Godly Play Nourishing Children’s Spirituality by Brendan Hyde Three Insights 1.The four characteristics of children’s spirituality that Hyde has identified, 2.Students having some degree of choice in what they do and the freedom to construct their own meaning, and 3.The importance of providing diverse ways in which children can express their spirituality.
Characteristics of children’s spirituality Brendan Hyde (2010) Jesus (see Rolheiser 1998, p. 51) Ronald Rolheiser (1998) Felt sense, Integrated awareness (intense and focused attention) Prayer (alone and with others) Private and communal prayer and living with integrity Weaving the threads of meaning (make meaningful connections with the Transcendent and others) Fasting (hospitality and living joyfully) Living life with gratitude and happiness and involvement in a worshipping community Spiritual questing (envisioning life-giving and life-enhancing ways of being) Almsgiving (social justice and charity) Actively reaching out to the poor and seeking justice for the marginalized; Common threads……. engaging in personal reflection and spending time with the self establishing positive relationships with others transforming the world around us by our actions and example
Children need to be able to make a choice about what they will do and be given the space to construct their own meaning Teachers need to use discretion in determining when to stand back and allow students to construct their own meaning, either alone or socially, or when to engage with students to challenge and stimulate their thinking. There is a tension that religious educators need to balance, based on the character and needs of the students in their care.
Inclusive classroom environments “...conducive to the spiritual awakening of learners” (Bellous, 2007, p. 101) Saturated Spirituality: Creating environments that nurture all children. These classrooms meet the various needs of children by: providing opportunities for students to expand their personal understanding through the use of language; engaging emotionally with others by telling their own story and sharing their meaning; using contemplation, imagination and the creative arts to interpret experience and creating arenas in which children can behave in ways that positively impact the world around them....and students are comfortable exploring their spirituality in a way that has meaning for them.
“Living the Lourdes Way” reflects the common threads of spirituality described in the first insight. It creates a culture in which students can become aware of themselves as individuals and in relationship with others. As well, it gives students opportunities to express their spirituality in active service to others and potentially transform themselves and others by that service. I will serve
babypros.com Children need time to contemplate, to relate to others, make meaning for themselves and to act in a way that respects their emerging understandings.