Lewis Advertising Agency is proud to welcome, Ms. Widget and the Acme Bicycle Company Board of Directors
Rider’s Age
Rider’s Gender
Where are they riding? Urban riders
Largest growing segment Hispanics comprise the largest population growth in the U.S.
Target Males 35 to 44 Urban Riders Males 35 to 44 Urban Riders
Vintage feel
First Print Ad Boys on bikes Setting Late 70’s or early 80’s
Second Print Ad Gas shortage line from the 1970’s Image will have an Hispanic boy between 10 and 13 years of age riding a bicycle down the sidewalk next to the line of cars.
TV Spot Video Camera OSS on kneeling man lacing up his shoes. CA shot of kids with 1970’s era hair styles riding down an urban sidewalk wearing 70’s era clothes and riding 1970’s era bicycles. Video will have vintage 70’s era color and graininess to the film. The street will have 70’s era cars stuck in traffic with exhaust fumes. Camera MCU shot of man standing and picking up his bike helmet. Camera CU shot of man’s face Camera POV shot riding down city street past cars stuck in a traffic jam with exhaust fumes rising. Angry driver yelling at other driver for blocking road. Fade to black Logo displays: Center screen: ACME Bicycles. Slogan fades in under logo: 150 years strong. Fades out. Slogan Fades in Let’s keep chasing that feeling! Audio City noises, engines idling. Man: I can still remember as a kid tearing down sidewalks on my ACME bicycle and getting my first true feeling of freedom. Man: I’m older now and sure I do it for exercise Man: and I know it’s good for the environment. But the truth is… Man: I still love that feeling of freedom. Narrator voice” ACME Bicycles 150 years strong. Let’s keep chasing that feeling
Let’s keep chasing that feeling! The theme that runs between all the ads is to talk about “feeling”. Attaining positive feelings like freedom and adventure Escaping negative feelings like anxiety and dread The theme that runs between all the ads is to talk about “feeling”. Attaining positive feelings like freedom and adventure Escaping negative feelings like anxiety and dread
Acme Bicycles – 150 years strong Freedom you have always wanted 1970’s vintage feel. Males, 35 to 44 Hispanics Freedom you have always wanted 1970’s vintage feel. Males, 35 to 44 Hispanics