Equality, Diversity and Rights
Aims and Objectives Understand the effect which inequality and lack of rights can have on service users Understand ways in which workers in care settings can promote equality diversity and rights Use case studies and practice examples to highlight the importance
Group work In small groups read the case studies provided and highlight what you think the effects of inequality, discrimination and lack of rights of the service users may be
Class Discussion Have you come across any situation in your placement when you felt that someone was experiencing inequality or lack of rights?
Group Work What can workers in the different care settings do to promote equality Think about the resources which you would need
Practical issues in placement
Understanding diversity of the setting It is important if we are the meet the differing needs of a care setting that we are aware of the differences What differences can you think of in the care setting where you are?
Meeting the different Religious needs People in care settings of all kinds may have different religious needs This could impact on issues such as worship and diet and on how people are treated in certain situations Think of the way sin which care settings could meet religious needs
Respecting individuals rights In order to deliver effect care it is important that opportunities are given to different groups of people regardless of the social group which they belong. e.g. enabling boys to play with toys traditionally associated with girls Older people taking part in a variety of activities
Working to challenge discrimination As discussed in previous sessions discrimination can occur for many different reasons. Can you identify some of the reasons
As students on placement you could Being mindful of the difficulties that some groups can face and ensuring that any obstacles to them are removed Being aware of personal prejudices and stereotypical views and avoiding labels related to these Valuing each service users worth. Ensure that issues of equal opportunity are addressed within setting
Challenge oppressive or discriminatory language or assumptions wherever they may be in the care setting. Ensure that this is done appropriately Understand the current legislation and how it impacts on your work Be aware of college policies and procedures and their relevance
What can you do to challenge discrimination Understand the use of policies and procedures
What are policies Polices are documents which are agreed by organisations to identify how certain issues are dealt with In placement you will come across polices which relate to EDR such as- race equality policy equal opportunities policy Can you think of other policies?
Codes of Practice A code of practice is the guidelines set down by a certain profession Example Care Council Code of practice
Legislation Legislation occurs when issues are dealt with at a government level and standards are set on how to deal with a certain issue
Matching definitions Children act 1989 Enables children to live a life to be free from harm and sets out that families should be worked with in partnership to address any difficulties which they may be having
Disability Discrimination act 1995 This piece of legislation sets down that people with disability should be given equal access to employment, leisure, education and services. It has been introduced in different phases and we will discus this in later sessions
Human Rights Act 1998 This piece of legislation sets out a number of articles which include Protection of life Prohibition of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment Rights to liberty and security of the person Right to a fair and public hearing Right to respect for private and family life
Race Relations Act 1976 Set out that it would be unlawful for someone to be discrimination to on racial grounds
Sex Discrimination act 1975 This piece of legislation sets out that it is illegal to discriminate against someone because of gender
Recap Lets have a look at what we have been discussing today What are the potential effects of inequality, discrimination or lack of rights Can you name some of the ways in which we can promote equality, diversity and rights in care settings