Hillsborough County Public School Siting MPO SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION WORKING GROUP
School Siting w/in Urban Service Area (USA) Considerations Public schools shall be permitted in all zoning districts, with the exception of Manufacturing and Airport Zoning Districts Student population Sufficiently sized school sites to accommodate the required parking and circulation of vehicles; Availability of public facilities and services, including transportation facilities concurrent to support the proposed school; Safe access from neighborhoods to schools, including the implementation of the Safe Paths to Schools (FDOT) program Public buildings and grounds (especially for purposes of collocating, parks, libraries, community centers, public safety facilities and other appropriate related facilities) and their impacts Location of elementary school sites proximate to and within walking distance of the residential neighborhoods they are intended to serve, encouraging the use of elementary schools as focal points for neighborhoods; Middle and high schools should be conveniently located to the residential neighborhoods they are intended to be served, with access to major roads;
School Siting w/in the Rural Service Area Location of schools may be considered in all rural land use plan categories within the Rural Service Area, except heavy industrial and natural preservation, only upon demonstrated need to predominantly serve students in the rural area.
Rezoning Process Requirements Step 1: Pre-submittal Meeting & The type of school (elementary, middle or high school) Aerial photograph depicting the school site boundaries, surrounding land uses and roadways within the area Site acreage Tentative attendance boundary Number of students to be accommodated by the school Proposed construction schedule and opening date of school Conceptual Site Plan Tentative Attendance Boundary A Transportation Study for the proposed school prepared in accordance with professionally accepted methodology and signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer. Step 2: Neighborhood Meeting Meeting required 60 bays prior to acquisition or lease (applies only when no zoning required) Surrounding property owner notification process Evidence of the neighborhood meeting, consisting of a meeting summary, attendance record, and comment sheets shall be submitted within 25 days following the meeting Step 3: School Facilities Location Review Procedures Requires a determination of consistency from Planning Commission and Local Jurisdiction
Other Siting Informational Sharing Opportunities Annual Five Year Facilities Work Plan Notification process required for local jurisdictional and Planning Commission Input Approved by School Board County Coordination Meetings Concurrency Reviews
Attendance Boundary Changes Considerations Future Growth and Capacity Transportation Subdivision Integrity – to the greatest extent possible, maintain neighborhoods and subdivisions in within one attendance boundary Feeder Patterns Planning Integrity – consider long term school construction plans to provide stability to areas impacted, to greatest extent possible Socioeconomic Balance Process Steps Internal Stakeholder Meetings Review Data and Scenarios Community Outreach Parent meetings, press releases, website information, comment sheets, boundary information line, target community groups, parent link calls School Board Consideration