Compendium of Good Practices for Advancing Women’s Political Participation in the OSCE Region
Development of the Compendium Prepared by ODIHR to mark the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action. Lead drafter: Meg Munn, former Member of Parliament and former Minister for Women and Equality of the United Kingdom. Discussed during ODIHR Expert Meeting in May 2015 in Warsaw, gathering gender experts, politicians, MPs, academia, and civil society from across the OSCE region as well as representatives of the CoE Gender Equality Commission. Reviewed by different organizations (Stockholm University, Russian Academy of Science, Inter-Parliamentary Union, UN Women, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE Field Operations and NGOs.
Beijing Platform for Action: 30 per cent of women in decision making
Top five barriers for women and men to enter politics
Creating gender sensitive culture inside political parties
Women and elections: barriers and solutions
Women and local politics
Women in parliaments: continuing challenge
Recommendations Political parties Promote gender action plans and gender sensitive structure and processes. Promote women’s active participation. Equally asses women and men candidates based on skills and qualities. Elections Institutionalize gender analysis of electoral legislation and processes. Consider temporary special measures to increase the number of women candidates. Consult women’s NGOs and gender equality interest groups. Local politics Collect regular, reliable and comparable gender disaggregated data. Address structural, socio-economic and political barriers affecting women’s participation; Guarantee women friendly working environment. Parliaments Introduce effectively formulated legislative and voluntary party quotas. Establish a gender sensitive institutional setting. Engage civil society and media as partners in transforming the male dominated landscape of parliaments.
Available on ODIHR’s web page in English and Russian language, at Presented and disseminated in the upcoming events. Used by OSCE structures, international/regional organizations, MPs, politicians, gender institutional mechanisms/governments, civil society organizations, academia. The Compendium is:
OSCE/ODIHR Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights ul. Miodowa Warsaw Poland Thank you ! Ajla van Heel Gender Adviser