Humans and the Environment Humans have upset the natural balance of the environment and have had a negative impact.
Environmental pollution Water Pollution- heat, pesticides, sewage, chemicals, PCBs cause algal blooms, which cause a lack of 02 for aquatic organisms Air Pollution- greenhouse effect (excess CO2), acid rain (excess sulfates), smog (smoke and fog) Soil Pollution- pesticides, DDT (increases up the food chain)
Human Activities Affect the lives of other organisms (Ex. English sparrows survive better due to houses for nesting) Negative impacts include over hunting, importation of species, use of bio and pesticides(DDT) may cause extinction (EX. DO- DO bird Exploitation (use of animals for products)EX. Elephant for tusks lead to endangered species
Human Impact Waste Disposal- pollution- non biodegradable to environment- reuse and recycle Technology- industrialization, reduction of natural resources, sulfur- acid rain, carbon dioxide- greenhouse effect
Improving the Environment Education- becoming environmentally literate, research leads to improvement Environmental Laws – EX. Air pollution control, returnable containers, hazardous waste Conservation of Natural resources (gas, coal, oil, minerals- non renewable Reforestation, terracing- conserve soil
Wildlife preservation- refuges, protection of endangered species (bald eagle, bison) Biological control of pests using hormones or pheromones (Melon fly) and natural predators (Japanese Beetle) Release of sterilized male insects- EX. Screwworm parasite