How Humans Impact the Environment
Why Do We Pollute the Environment? The “Environment” divisions The natural environment The built environment The social environment
Population growth Small population and little technology— society has low impact on environment. Larger population and increased technology— society has great impact on environment
Human behavior—Needs—Wants Driving forces—Population—Technology. → all cause environmental factors.
Chemicals in the Environment Roughly 70,000 different synthetic chemicals are on the global market; many others are emitted as by- products of their production, use, or disposal Production of synthetic organic chemicals (e.g., dyes, plastics, solvents) has increased from less than 0.15 billion kilograms (1935) to more than 150 billion kilograms (1995)
The Industrial Process and the Environment Chemical inputs (raw materials) Power inputs (gas, oil, coal) Other inputs (water) ↓ industry → water poll., air poll., toxic waste
Environmental Impact Growth in environ. impact= Growth in population X Growth in affluence X Growth in technology.
Problem solving paradigm Risk assessment ………→ risk identification. Hazard identification, Exposure assessment, Dose-response assessment
Risk Management Approaches Engineering −Process controls −Emission reduction Social and behavioral −Worker training −Risk reduction - Human education Regulatory −Emission limits −Mandated processes
Recognition of a Broader Environmental Impact Food security ozone depletion Climate change Deforestation Desertification Land degradation