How To Be nosey on the Interwebz
What you need Linux Laptop Local Wireless Network you want to do sniffing on ettercap Wireshark driftnet nmap
Setting up Software Using ubuntu this process of installing these 4 tools took me about 15 mins all 4 tools are in synaptic. I used apt-get to install all 4 the syntax for apt-get is sudo apt-get install
Finding Targets The first objective is to find computers connected to the wireless network this can be accomplished with nmap. nmap has a feature called ping scanning among many others. you can use this feature to scan a range of ip address to see which are online. nmap -sP
Poisoning the Target In modern switched networks if you were to fire up wireshark you would only see broadcast and muticast packets with the unicast packets that were ment for your machine. To get around this we must ”poison” the target basically changing the route of the packet using ettercap sudo ettercap -T -M arp -i wlan0 / / / /
Having fun with the Target once the target is poisoned you should see everything going from the target to the gateway Fireup wireshark and driftnet and have fun