Time-Resolved IR and Mass Spectroscopy of Laser-Ablated Magnesium


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Presentation transcript:

Time-Resolved IR and Mass Spectroscopy of Laser-Ablated Magnesium Yuki Miyamoto, Chisato Masaki, Naomi Ikeda, Jian Tang and Kentarou Kawaguchi Okayama University 67th International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy, The Ohio State University, USA, June 18 – 22, 2012

Motivation Mg The most abundant metal in the Universe Laser Ablation Solar-system abundances of the elements The most abundant metal in the Universe the 9th in mass fraction and the 8th in atom fraction Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46, 2363 (1982) Group 2 Period 3 Mg ~Si, Fe 12 Mg 4th abundant in the Earth 8th abundant  in the Earth's crust 5th abundant in the Ocean 11th abundant in Human body Magnesium 24.31 Laser Ablation Widely used technique in various fields Easy (no sample-size requirement, no complicated sample preparation) Applicable to any material There are few IR spectroscopic studies on Laser-ablated metals, although there are many works in optical region. This study Time-resolved IR spectroscopy of Laser-ablated Mg

Three Experiments Time-Resolved FTIR spectroscopy Mass measurement using a Q-Mass detector Time-Resolved cw IR laser spectroscopy

Time-Resolved FTIR spectroscopy Temporal behavior of IR emission/absorption of laser-ablated Mg 2000-4000 cm-1 time resolution ~ μs freq. resolution ~ 0.01 cm-1 Ablation Laser Nd:YLF SHG 526.5 nm 1~3 W 1 ~ 3 KHz

FTIR Spectra 12 emission lines 5p-5s 5g-4f 5d-5p 4p-3d 5f-4d 5s-4p 4d-4p ~ 50,000 cm-1 *Mg ground state (2p)6(3s)2 Emission of highly-excited Mg were observed.

Time-Resolved Spectra Two distinct components with different Doppler width were observed. Temporal change of 5g-4f transition Triplet Singlet Broad component ~ 0.1 cm-1 Emission  Absorption Narrow component ~ 0.02 cm-1 Emission only Why two components? Origins of atoms I. Direct desorption II. Via some reactions ? dissociative recombination of molecular ions Mg2+ + e-  2Mg recombination Mg+ + e-  Mg Further information  mass measurement / laser spectroscopy

Mass spectroscopy with Q-Mass What species are produced by ablation ? Mass range 1-200 Mass resolution < 1 Ablation Laser Nd:YLF SHG 526.5 nm 1~3 W 1 ~ 3 KHz Turning On/ Off of ionization filament neutral / ion Effect of residual or leaked air  adding O2 and N2.

Mass Spectra FIL off FIL on FIL off Mg+ and Mg2+ were observed. Mg+ Mg 0.5mJ/pulse Mg+ and Mg2+ were observed.

Oxygen/Nitrogen ~effect of residual or leaked air Adding Oxygen FIL off FIL off Mg2+ MgO+ O2 ~ 10-4 Torr O2 ~ 10-5 Torr O2 ~ 10-5 Torr O2 ~ 10-4 Torr *Nitrogen did not effect spectra. MgO+ was produced by adding O2 while Mg2+ was destructed.

Time-Resolved IR Laser Spectroscopy High sensitivity, high resolution time resolution ~ 0.1 μs freq. resolution ~ 0.001 cm-1 IR Laser Fiber laser pumped PPLN OPO 3~4.5 μm ~200 mW Ablation Laser Nd:YLF SHG 526.5 nm 1~3 W 1 ~ 3 KHz

2D Spectra 5g-4f (triplet) emission absorption Stimulated emission 5g-4f (triplet) transition consists of broad absorption (0.2 cm-1) and narrow stimulated emission (~0.02cm-1). ~0.02 cm-1 absorption ~0.2 cm-1

Oxygen Adding Oxygen Oxygen No significant change by adding oxygen

Broad and Narrow Components Broad-width component width 0.1~0.2 cm-1 (10,000~20,000 K) FTIR Spontaneous emission  Absorption Temperature estimated from Doppler width is comparable to energy of states(~ 70,000 K) Laser Only Absorption Thermal distributed direct desorption Narrow-width component width 0.02 cm-1 Stimulated emission  Non-thermal distribution FTIR Spontaneous emission Laser Stimulated emission No dependence on O2 Due to recombination ×Dissociative recombination of Mg2+ or MgO+  should depend on amount of O2 ✔Recombination Mg+ + e-  Mg* Only slow Mg+ can recombine with electrons.  narrow width emission

Summary Time-resolved IR spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy were performed on laser-ablated Mg. Mass spectra shows that major products are Mg, Mg+ and Mg2+. By adding O2, MgO+ is produced and Mg2+ is destructed. Observed IR emission / absorption of Mg were consist of two components with different Doppler width. Broad-width component = thermal, Narrow-width component = Mg++e- recombination.