THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT 2014 LEADERSHIP Mai 2014 (Johannesburg South Africa) RABEMANANJARA William (Young 23 years) Phone number:
MEN and WOMEN work together to achieve 50/50
My name is William RABEMANANJARA born June 26, 1991 (23 years). Young manager and having a good relationship with the society. I am a survivor of abuse A young totally convinced by the Gender and the fight against violence. I have collaborated with Gender Links since 2011 I made field descent to further develop the application of the protocol to the SADC Gender and the fight against violence. Always present during events on Gender and leadership. Representative of Madagascar to the regional summit on Gender in Johannesburg in 2012 My name is William RABEMANANJARA born June 26, 1991 (23 years). Young manager and having a good relationship with the society. I am a survivor of abuse A young totally convinced by the Gender and the fight against violence. I have collaborated with Gender Links since 2011 I made field descent to further develop the application of the protocol to the SADC Gender and the fight against violence. Always present during events on Gender and leadership. Representative of Madagascar to the regional summit on Gender in Johannesburg in 2012 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LEADER
A short story that inspired me to become a leader creative of change on Gender : I'm an orphan (my mother died when I was 3 months and my father was murdered by gangs when I was 5 years old) My life is full of violence and the lawlessness. The situation that I saw on the environment where I live. I love taking Responsibility, I love the relationship with people and share with them what I know, I vows become like those around me. Attend training organized by the Gender Links. A short story that inspired me to become a leader creative of change on Gender : I'm an orphan (my mother died when I was 3 months and my father was murdered by gangs when I was 5 years old) My life is full of violence and the lawlessness. The situation that I saw on the environment where I live. I love taking Responsibility, I love the relationship with people and share with them what I know, I vows become like those around me. Attend training organized by the Gender Links. BRIEF HISTORY
A story that strikes me in the execution of my work: I stay in Antananarivo for 12 years. I returned to Port-Bergé my native village in July 2013 I do the task considered by society as women's work. My actions are imitated by my family and neighbors. Everyone starts laughing and criticizing us for the Carnival of March 8, 2014 A story that strikes me in the execution of my work: I stay in Antananarivo for 12 years. I returned to Port-Bergé my native village in July 2013 I do the task considered by society as women's work. My actions are imitated by my family and neighbors. Everyone starts laughing and criticizing us for the Carnival of March 8, 2014 followfollow
The objectives : Educate, sensitize people on gender Eradiation stereotypes Convince “Sojabe” and local leaders. Explanation of the tradition Convince women to take responsibility and enter into the decision-making position. Convince women to be candidate in the next election and also convince women to elect women candidate. Persuade men to support women and accept the equality of gender. Environmental protection. Support for women to have economic empowerment. Fight against HIV / AIDS. The objectives
Establishment of a regional platform for gender equality SOFIA (PREGENS) in SOFIA region. The celebration of the 16 days of fighting against violence (25 November 2013) Training of young high school FJKM Port- Bergé and private school Lovasoa by way of Gender and Human Rights (February 2014) Reporting Creating programs on gender; the election and the fight against transmitted diseases in the local Radio and Television (collaboration with INEC-T PROSPERER and USAID) Collaboration with live forces. Parcipation in celebration of World Women's Day (8 March 2014) by making a film screening and discussion. Reforestation in Fokontany Andribavontsona (March 2014) Establishment of a regional platform for gender equality SOFIA (PREGENS) in SOFIA region. The celebration of the 16 days of fighting against violence (25 November 2013) Training of young high school FJKM Port- Bergé and private school Lovasoa by way of Gender and Human Rights (February 2014) Reporting Creating programs on gender; the election and the fight against transmitted diseases in the local Radio and Television (collaboration with INEC-T PROSPERER and USAID) Collaboration with live forces. Parcipation in celebration of World Women's Day (8 March 2014) by making a film screening and discussion. Reforestation in Fokontany Andribavontsona (March 2014) A film projection the 8th March 2014 at 19 h KEY ACTIVITIES
Budget (Ar)Value in RAND Gender specific allocation Membership dues and actions made by the platform Gender in mainstream projects (please specify) Amount contributed in cash or in kind by partner organisations (please specify) Grant Local traders -Grants PROSPERER; USAID -Grants the District; Region and municipalities. TOTAL BUDGET
Barriers: The stereotypes Customs and traditions The enrollment rate is very low The “sojabe” and local authorities do not move. Bush fires and surbrûlis Culture Insufficient training. Women are afraid of their husbands. Girls enter prostitution and they refuse to use condoms. Lack of working tool and insufficient budget.Barriers: The stereotypes Customs and traditions The enrollment rate is very low The “sojabe” and local authorities do not move. Bush fires and surbrûlis Culture Insufficient training. Women are afraid of their husbands. Girls enter prostitution and they refuse to use condoms. Lack of working tool and insufficient budget. PERSPECTIVESPERSPECTIVES The exhumation
Marriage ceremony of Tsimihety: Moletry Sofia: number 1 on Bush fires in Madagascar
The results : Change myself. Changing my family Change in the neighbors and the population; Most of my colleagues are convinced. As well as local authorities are also convinced Sojabe. There is a change in the mentality of the society Type the word gets spread here and there and the people gave me a nickname "Mr William GENDER» Women have decided to take responsibility and now 3 women are candidates to the mayor. Political leaders are convinced and they agreed to get women among the party's candidates. Prostitutes allowed to use condoms and do the blood test. The obtained results Leader HVM and TGV Port-Bergé Mayor and deputy candidate at Port-Bergé
Lessons Learned: It is really possible to achieve the 50/50 set by the SADC protocol but these things need to be prioritized: Taking individual responsibility is mandatory starting from President to Head of village. We should highlight the objectives. Face to obstacles or problems, we must seek solutions. We need teamwork; willingness and take initiative. Ways of applications: Respect others and keep good relationship with them. Ways of applications: We need fully convinced leaders Consult the documentation and follow the training with Legend-links or other entity The live participation targets in action Search technical and financial partners
Efforts to make: Place setting committee Genre in all Municipalities and District. We will convince the mayors to enter the Communal Gender Budget. Collaboration with Gender Links, to make the Council a "Centre of Exellence“ Intensifify the fight against bush fires. Implementation of an Action Plan. The mode of application and the requirements: Searching the partnership. The mode of application and the requirements: Yes, there is no doubt to say this good practice may be applied to another place. But there are the conditions: -The total persuasion of leaders. -Research Partner Durability of the action
Priorities in 2014: Establishment of a regional action plan on gender and development Take action to support candidates for mayors and ensure they are elected. Establishment of such committee by town and district. Development of a monitoring and evaluation Ensure that elected mayors include Gender into the municipal budget. Priorities in 2014: Establishment of a regional action plan on gender and development Take action to support candidates for mayors and ensure they are elected. Establishment of such committee by town and district. Development of a monitoring and evaluation Ensure that elected mayors include Gender into the municipal budget. Participants during gender competition in CITE THE PRIORITIES IN 2014
Continue Our road to arrive at. 50/50