1 42nd International Forum on Traffic Records & Highway Information Systems Traffic Records Electronic Data System (TREDS) Virginia Highway Safety Office Richmond, VA August 7-10, 2016
2 TREDS Implemented in 2009 Nationally recognized Award winning Centralized crash and highway related information
3 TREDS Timeliness Electronic collection of data eliminates paper and manual entry (125,000 crash reports) 91% of crashes are collected electronically (target 2016: 95%)
4 TREDS Timeliness 45% auto accepted with no errors (data available within hours of receipt at VAHSO) 55% of crashes available within 1 week of receipt at VAHSO 12 month backlog prior to TREDS
5 TREDS Completeness 99.99% crash location data are located on all VA roadways 100% compliant with FMCSA commercial vehicle crash data field requirements 83% compliant with NHTSA (MMUCC) data field requirements
6 TREDS Accuracy 337 edit checks – to prevent invalid data in TREDS Integration Electronic data sharing with local, state, federal agencies, colleges & universities
7 Uniformity All state and local LE agencies report using the same form Accessibility Users are able to access and generate interactive reports and maps Data is accessible through the DMV website Data is updated nightly TREDS
8 How Does The Crash Process Flow Work in TREDS?
9 TREDS Law enforcement crash reporting process
10 Crash reports are processed based on priority (1 st priority – fatal crashes, 2 nd – CMV crashes, etc.) TREDS Operations Workflow
11 TREDS Data Integrations TREDS architectural flexibility allows for integrations with multiple systems to accept and transmit data
12 TREDS exports Commercial Motor Vehicle crash data to Virginia State Police (VSP) VSP uploads it the SafetyNet system and MCMIS SafetyNet Data
13 FARS/EDT Integration TREDS transmits 117 data fields electronically to NHTSA/FARS every day Fatal crash and highway related data included in the integration (functional system, alcohol test status, etc.)
14 Exports driver data on the crash if medical condition was involved DMV is making sure that drivers are able to safely operate motor vehicles Medical Review Program
15 Records Management Systems Data sent back to RMS system at local law enforcement agencies Allows them to merge their crash data with other data sets (citations, crime statistics, etc.)
16 TREDS/Driver System Integration Automated verification of driver data from LE with driver database Updates the driver’s record with crash information
17 BAC data received from VMEDS for deceased drivers Data matched with person(s) involved in fatal crashes BAC data is automatically transmitted to FARS after matching Medical Examiner’s Data
18 Daily Activity Report Captures most current fatality information Data is used to track fatal crashes
19 Click It or Ticket/DUI Campaigns TREDS/CIOT and DUI Checkpoint Strikeforce module captures Pre/post survey data Citation Data
20 TREDS/VA Tech Integration for Location Data Crash location data verified by VA Tech Standardized location data transmitted to TREDS (GPS lat/long, standard street names, etc.)
21 Emergency Medical System Data Dispatch Notified, Unit Arrival, Patient Arrival Date and Time data EMS data is matched with crash data Matched EMS data is transmitted to NHTSA/FARS
22 VASAP-Ignition Interlock Data Automated the manual process Increased workflow efficiency Improved data collection Provided a case management and ignition interlock monitoring tool for all ASAP’s
23 Develop performance countermeasures in an effort to reduce crashes, fatalities and injuries Plan, implement and evaluate highway safety programs Increase public awareness on highway safety issues How VA Uses Data
24 Identify highway related safety problems down to the street-level Identify roadway engineering problems Support data for highway related legislation Big Data Project How VA Uses Data
25 End Users and Support Resources Users State/Local LE/DMV/Federal Agencies Legislatures Universities Highway Safety Advocates Media/Citizens Support resources VAHSO provides a dedicated support phone # and address to submit requests
26 Data Products and Tools Interactive active report/map tools Heat maps Top 40 Jurisdictions HSP, Annual Report and SHSP Commissioner’s Fatality Report (weekly) Distracted Driver and Pedestrian Reports for Senators/Delegates (quarterly)
27 Monthly Fatality Reports by Performance Measure Areas Motorcycle Student Training Reports CIOT and DUI Checkpoint Strikeforce Reports TV/Radio news and news releases Analyses/Studies/Researches Data Products and Tools
28 TREDS Demo Interactive Crash Reports High Crash Location Maps Jurisdiction Crash Maps My Department Crash Maps Heat Map Reports Custom Reports
29 Virginia Tech Ad-Hoc Data Analyses