CHINESE NEW YEAR Millie and Jillian
INTRODUCTION This is the introduction. Do you know any facts about the Chinese New Year or food that people eat, or maybe how people celebrate the Chinese New Year, or how long people celebrated the Chinese New Year? These 4 paragraphs have it all, so please read them. They give you a lot of information.
FACTS ABOUT THE CHINESE NEW YEAR Do you know any facts about the Chinese New Year? If you don’t know any facts here are some. The Chinese New Year starts between January 21and Febuary19. For example, here are some things that you should not do on the Chinese New Year, You should not eat porridge or do any sweeping. Also, don’t say any unlucky words like death you also should not be washing your hair. Also, don’t do any needle work or wash your clothing. When you see a lion dance, if the red envelope’s being “ fed” to the lion mouth it brings good luck. Also this is how you say red envelope in Chinese “Hong pao” and you can say it like this “Lai see”. Also older people give younger people like kids red envelopes for the Chinese New Year, Red means good luck and good fortune. It is also called the lunar New Year or the spring festival it also starts on the second new moon after the winter solstice. The Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China.
Here are some foods that people eat on the Chinese New Year, : they eat fish, dumplings, spring rolls, laba congree (it is rice, nuts and beans cooked together) and lobster. Also, here are some desserts : the eight treasurs rice, rice cakes, candied lotus seeds, tang yuan (it’s a small ball) and kamquats FOOD THAT PEOPLE EAT ON THE CHINESE NEW YEAR
The Chinese New has been celebrated for more than four thousand years. After twelve years of each animal the animals start all over again and go’s on and on. The year I was born was 2006, that’s the year of the dog. Year HOW LONG WAS THE CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATED?