ICT and outer space: choose your own adventure :) Pia Waugh Linux Australia
So who am I? ➢ Geek ➢ Martial artist ➢ Musician ➢ I have the best job ever: an IT consultant ➢ I LOVE my job :)
Dreams... ➢ Travel ➢ Help people ➢ Save the world What are your dreams?
My dreams coming true
Other dreams coming true
ICT is like Charlies' chocolate factory
And once you're inside...
System administration What can ICT mean for you? Robotics Writing games Computer forensics Hacking :) Music and art Research Addressing social issues Advocacy Cryptography Web foo Making toys Solving your problems Security
Techie jobs are fun :) ➢ Immediate satisfaction! ➢ Never boring! ➢ Very creative ➢ Problem solving ➢ A worldwide community to draw from ➢ Every industry included!
A meandering career ➢ School – I taught my yr 7 class ➢ University (I chose to not study ICT) ➢ Study in China (Chinese medicine) ➢ Base level techie ➢ Senior engineer ➢ Research and consulting Take your time and enjoy the ride...
➢ President of Linux Australia ➢ Speaking all over the world ➢ On several boards ➢ Solving the Digital Divide ➢ Work experience ➢ Online information Volunteering gave me experience, contacts, & opportunities beyond my dreams, so GET INVOLVED! Check out the Opensource WA Demo Lab! A meandering volunteer
Drawn to the penguin: Socially responsible software Linux (FOSS) ➢ Underpinning values ➢ Collaborative ➢ Worldwide community ➢ Technocracy ➢ Skills deficit = MASSIVE job opportunities
Drawn by the penguin
Cool women in FOSS
The secrets to success ➢ Find your passion ➢ Find your unique skills ➢ Don't ever stop learning ➢ Surround yourself with inspiring people ➢ Good partners are great partners ➢ Stand on the shoulders of giants ➢ Be confident and proud
Have fun :) The real secret to success Pia Waugh Linux Australia Events! linux.conf.au Open Day TechGirls