WELCOME TO BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT Thank you for joining first grade for an evening filled with important information.
FIRST GRADE TEAM Kathy Crawford Annette Thomas Danielle Wilson Alli Hubert Lauren Speiser Maura Burke Marsha Geist Lauren Vormack (Towson Intern) Danielle Shorr (Towson Intern
FIRST GRADE SCHEDULE 9:00-9:15 Arrival 9:15-10:35 Reading/Language Arts 10:35-11:35 Recess & Lunch 11:35-12:25 Reading/Language Arts 12:25-1:25 Related Arts 1:25-2:35 Math 2:35-3:35 Writing/Content 3:35 Dismissal
IMPORTANT EVENTS Field Trips will be taken in the fall and spring- more information to come Shapetown (STEM project in 2 nd quarter) Author’s Celebration and Picnic (end of the year)
HEALTH INFORMATION Make sure to let the health room and your child’s teacher know if your child has health concerns/allergies. Orders for medication must be given to the health room yearly. Please let us know if your child has food restrictions. Students cannot have cough drops in the classroom. Please be sure to fill out all current emergency forms
FRIENDLY REMINDERS Remember to wear sneakers and remove jewelry on P.E. days. Return Media books on your child’s media day. Please send appropriate attire (i.e. winter coats, gloves and hats) as the weather changes and LABEL everything!
LUNCH REMINDERS Money- $2.75 or (PIN Number) Milk- $0.50 Forgotten lunch (small snack provided by school) Snack (At lunch in cafeteria) Sharing food
STUDENT ROUTINES Color eagle egg calendars Take home folder and show contents to family Read every night Practice math facts Complete homework each night
PARENT ROUTINES Check folder daily and sign eagle egg calendar Please look for monthly newsletter Read with your child every night Regular bedtimes and morning times Consider packing a healthy lunch Sign and return report card envelope after progress reports and report cards
CURRICULUM INFORMATION What Your Child Will Learn In First Grade Please visit county and school canvas pages for detailed information regarding curriculum and standards
HOMEWORK PACKET First graders are expected to read at least ten minutes every night and practice math facts Packets will come home every Monday night or first day of the week with two math pages and two reader response pages. Return the packet to your child’s homeroom teacher on the last day of the week.
GRADING Excellent/Independent I understand and do not need help. OK/With Assistance I need another chance to learn this. Keep Trying/Not Apparent I need a little help or extra practice.
PBIS Together we made a set of class rules. We use the Magic method. They can earn eagle eggs anywhere and save them for “prizes”
PBIS 5 eggs ➜ A good note home ➜ Pick a teacher stuffed animal ➜ Use markers for morning 10 eggs ➜ Bring a stuffed animal from home ➜ Sit in a rolly chair 15 eggs ➜ Pick your seat for the day ➜ Show and Tell ➜ No Morning Work 20 eggs ➜ Extra computer time ➜ Be Mrs. Geist’s helper ➜ Be the teacher for the day 25 eggs ➜ Lunch with Mrs. Schwartz, Ms. Shanks, Dr. Varlack ➜ Class pajama day ➜ Class game time Class Reward To be voted on by class
PARENT VOLUNTEERS Field Trips Annual online training is required for all parent volunteers and chaperones.
BIRTHDAY/FOOD POLICY No birthday treats or invitations can be sent to school with your child (FRES policy).
DONATIONS We would greatly appreciate donations of the following items: –Tissues –Plastic bags (galloon size) –Glue Sticks –Black whiteboard markers
Thank you for coming. We look forward to a great school year!