Live Love Learn Together we can soar to new heights
After watching this video, think about how Benjamin helped Buttercup make a noise about bullying.
When someone always thinks it’s fun to make you sad or angry If they won’t stop when you say “I’ve had ENOUGH!” If they stop others from talking to you If they take your friends away and leave you all alone If they talk about you to others and make it obvious Somebody purposely trying to make you feel bad or upset over and over If they kick you, or punch you, or hurt you on purpose If they often say unkind things about you What is Bullying?
Why do bullies do it? They may be scared nobody likes them Bullies may be jealous of you They may bully people so no one will bully them They may think they are being clever They may think it’s just a bit of fun Some bullies just enjoy being unkind and hurting others They may be bullied at home and think it is OK to bully you They may feel bad inside and want you to feel bad as well
How can I stop a bully? TELL Your Mum Every grown up until someone listens A Sensible Friend Bullies don’t like other people knowing Mrs Monaghan Any Teacher Your Dad
Student Council T-Shirt Competition Design your own T-shirt to show a message against bullying. The design is for the centre of the T-shirt. The winning design from each class will have their T-shirt made. The Student Council will be the judges.
1:00 – 2:00 – EYFS, Year 1, Year 2. 2:00 – 3:00 – Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
The new bullying display in the hall will show the various types of bullying and how it they affect people. Our aim is to “Block out Bullying” by covering the display with colourful bricks describing kind things that the children have done for each other. All teachers will be given some bricks and any acts of kindness they are made aware of should be written on a brick and along with the child’s name. The bricks will then start to build a wall over the bullying.
Mosaic Artist Mrs Ravey has organised for an artist to spend 2 days in school on Wednesday 18 th and Thursday 19 th November. We will work in small groups with the artist to make a mosaic show our motto of live, love, learn. Together we will soar to new heights.
EYFS – Superhero masks The children will then become superheroes against bullying and will colour in superhero mask templates. They could make a short video wearing the masks saying how they are against bullying. Year 1 – Willy the Wimp story After listening to the story the children can act out the various feelings felt by the character and discuss why the character felt that way. Year 2 – Willy the Wimp Story The children will look at the character at different points throughout the story and then they will make some worry dolls that will help them to take away their worries. Year 3 – Friendship Bracelets Each child will make a friendship bracelet and say who it is for and what qualities their chosen friend has that makes them a good friend.
Interactive Video Year 4, 5 and 6 should all watch the interactive video bullying-week/anti-bullying-week-videos/. bullying-week/anti-bullying-week-videos/ Year 4 – Information sheet/poster After watching the video, the children should do an information sheet/poster about the different types of bullying. It should describe that type of bullying and how it can affect the victim and make them feel. These will be used on the new display. Year 5 – Block out Bullying bricks After watching the video, the children should complete a brick describing something nice that another child has done for them recently. These will be used on the new display to start the wall that is going to “block out bullying”. Year 6 – Speech Bubbles After watching the video, each child should complete a speech bubble describing a time when they have been made to feel upset and sad by another child. No names should be mentioned. If they have never experienced this they can use an example from the video. These will be used on the new display.
Children to repeat after Miss Walsh and read aloud I’ll be there for you.