SHOULD Discuss how bullying can impact on different people MUST Identify a range of feelings caused by bullying Learning Objectives: I can understand what is meant by bullying COULD Share advice to support each other through bullying
Scared for safety Cant trust others Lonely Lack of friends Effects last for years Suicidal Truanting school Lack of confidence Low self esteem Which of these feelings is worse? Why?
Robert is in Year 9. His dad is of white origin and his mum is Chinese. Robert has been getting called names about being half-Chinese for a while but he has been trying to ignore it. Recently, the boys who are calling him names have starting pushing him around and threatening to wait for him after school. Robert has started to lose his temper easily at home and is arguing more with his brother and parents.
Sharon came to school new in Year 8, having moved house. She wears glasses, and has been called names since her first day. She has made some friends, but they have also been called names. They are starting to avoid her, hoping that the name-calling would stop. Sharon is now starting to say she feels sick in the mornings to avoid coming to school. Her mum is very worried about her.
Emma is in Year 10 and finds reading difficult. She gets embarrassed about this in class so to hide this, she misbehaves. Emma thinks acting tough keeps her safe from others noticing her problems with reading and picking on her for that. There is another girl in her class who is good at schoolwork. She starts to throw things at this girl and trip her up in the dining hall. Emma gets her friend, Sunita, involved. Sunita does not really think it’s nice to act like this but Emma keeps telling her to ‘be a mate and just do it or we won’t be friends’.
How can you help stop bullying at our school? What can be done as a Year group to support each other? Fill in the speech bubbles and give to your form tutor