By Year 5
E-Safety Issues: Things that concern us Inappropriate Images/ Websites Inappropriate Images/ Websites Online Games: Addiction- how we know if we are spending too much time online Hackers: How we can stop people damaging our computers Hackers: How we can stop people damaging our computers Personal Safety: How to keep our personal details secure Cyber-Bullying: People saying mean things to or about us Cyber-Bullying: People saying mean things to or about us Viruses/ File Sharing: How we know if there is a threat to our computer Viruses/ File Sharing: How we know if there is a threat to our computer Accuracy: How we know if a website is telling the truth Accuracy: How we know if a website is telling the truth Uploading Photos: How we control who will see them Uploading Photos: How we control who will see them Security: Passwords, etc. Security: Passwords, etc. Identity: How we know people are who they say they are Identity: How we know people are who they say they are
Never meet up with somebody you don’t know. Never give somebody your password. Tell a adult if someone is bullying you. Lewie, William, Libby D.
1. Don’t give out your personal details away online to any stranger. 2.Don’t meet up with anyone online. 3. If someone sent you a upsetting text make sure you tell a parent or guardian. 4. Beware that anyone in the world could see what you put on the web. 5.If you know someone’s password tell them. E SAFTY QUIZ: 1. If someone asked for your personal details what would you say? 2. If you know someone’s password what do you do? 3. Should you meet up with anyone you only know online? STAY SAFE ONLINE !!!!! Ema Scott Dior Sam
It can be DANGEROUS! Never give your personal information away to strangers. Say no to meeting up if the person is unknown to you Beware of hackers as they can see your personal information and watch your every move by using the web cam! Ben, Evie, Ray
Stay safe on line! Don’t meet up with people you don’t KNOW! Don’t talk to a STRANGER. Don’t tell your personal information to people you don’t know. Always think about what you’re doing online. Always be aware of hackers. People you are texting, that you haven't met before, might be making things up about themselves, but if you meet them go with an adult just in case. Chloe, Jia, Aiden, Abigail
How do you think you should stay safe on the internet ? How to stay safe on the internet Don’t give out your personal information Say no Be careful of what you’re looking at on images Don’t meet up Be careful of who your talking to Make sure your parents know what you’re doing Don’t open files if u don’t know what’s going to be inside of them Don’t talk to strangers Be friendly Don’t be friends with people on Facebook that u don’t know. Be careful whilst using the internet Enjoy E- safety
How to stay safe on the internet * Don’t give anybody your personal information online. *If someone asks to meet up with you say no or take an adult with you. *If somebody has started bullying you tell an adult and try and reason with the person *If someone sends an with an attachment and haven’t mentioned it, don’t open- it could be a virus Laura, Charlie, Jessica, Oliver
How to keep safe on the internet: If someone asks you address say NO ! If you get a request from a stranger and they ask you to meet up say no, they could be anyone. If you are being bullied online always tell a trusted adult. If you are playing a game that is not suitable for your age DON’T play it. If you are being bullied online 1.Ignore them 2.Block them 3.Tell 4.Delete them 5.Tell them to stop 6.Never reply if you don’t know who they are. Be aware that any one in the world can see what you put on the web Libby M, Jay, Ruby
E-Safety To stay safe online follow these tips: Say No to them, Support them, Report them, Block them, Delete them, Ignore them, Apologise to them, Talk to them. Your problems will disappear when the tips are done. Mckenzie, Kyle, Max, Megan
Say no! If somebody asks you your name or address say no as this could be very dangerous to you and other people… If you get a friendship request from a stranger say no. They could be anyone.