Meet the teacher Year 1
Meet the Year 1 team… Robin Class Miss du Toit Class Teacher Miss Diver Teaching Assistant Miss Milham Teaching Assistant Mrs Cowe PPA Teacher Wren Class Miss Rattray Class Teacher Miss Milham Teaching Assistant Miss Diver Teaching Assistant Mrs Maher PPA Teacher
What will we be learning this half term?
Our topics in Year 1 Autumn 1 Toys Autumn 2 To Infinity and Beyond… Spring 1 & 2 Castle Crusaders Summer 1 Up, Up and Away Summer Shiver Me Timbers!
Long Term Curriculum Overview
Rewarding Great behaviour The classroom faces All children start the day on the GREEN face. When they follow our class Golden Rules, they move up to the SILVER face. Exceptional behaviour means they move to the GOLD face – they are awarded a gold sticker and 5 raffle tickets
Rewarding Great behaviour The classroom faces We give out raffle tickets for great behaviour and attitude. We give out house points for excellent learning. The children also receive stickers and certificates for different rewards.
Daily Routines Daily English and Maths lesson Daily Guided Reading session (starting after half term) Daily discreet phonics session Story time All other subjects taught weekly Our PE days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday PE kit: a FULL change of bottoms and top (bottoms can be shorts or joggers), plus trainers Keep in school until Friday – in case of day change PE
Supporting the transition from Reception to Year 1 Increasing concentration levels Outdoor learning Free Play Golden Time National Curriculum new expectations
THE NEW CURRICULUM Assessment and Reporting at The Grove Come and find out about the changes that will affect your child and their education The aims of the meeting are: To provide an overview of the new National Curriculum To provide information on assessment at The Grove and how assessment has changed nationally To inform parents about reporting Tuesday 29 th September 9.30am – 10.30am Wednesday 30 th September 2pm – 3pm Wednesday 30 th September 7pm – 8pm
Home Learning Weekly spellings and number focus Fortnightly –English and Maths tasks Assessment and Reporting at the Grove Tuesday 29 th September 9.30am – 10.30am Wednesday 30 th September 2pm – 3pm Wednesday 30 th September 7pm – 8pm Key dates
Uniform Money Morning Snack Water Bottles
We always welcome parents who would like to help in class, on trips or share their knowledge and skills during special events and celebrations If you would like to help in class please speak to Miss du Toit or Miss Rattray. Parent Helpers
Daily Routine We will be taking trips to support and extend classroom learning. We will be visiting Hedingham Castle in Essex for our Spring topic of Castle Crusaders More information will be handed out nearer the time line up at the gate phonics assembly break – snack provided. 12 lunch. 1 afternoon session begins afternoon break home time. Trips
Phonics Screening Check Compulsory assessment for all children in Year 1 Takes place in June Children assessed on their decoding skills (letter sound relationships). Asked to read 20 real and 20 pseudo words. Meeting nearer the time. PhonicsPlay is a good website to look at with your children.
Thank you for coming! Any questions?