Welcome to Year 1 The biggest change this year for the children is independence.
Whose who…… Mr “Flash” Bennetts Class Teacher/Phase Leader Miss “Green Lantern” Daniels Class Teacher Mrs “Iron” Suter Class Teacher Mrs “Super” Johnson Class Teacher Mrs “Bat” Rosevear TA Mrs “Spidey “Knight TA Mrs “Cap” Dowrick TA Mrs “Robin” Peter TA
Our first topic in Year 1 is…… Heroes Assemble! In Geography we are helping Superman find our classroom, school and places in Plymouth. In art we shall be looking at some superhero pop art Styles. In History we shall be looking at real life heroes In Science we are finding about different materials and seasons. In DT we will be designing and making a superhero mask. In English learning we have chosen a range of superhero stories and poems.
Phonics. Key focus for Year 1 at Montpelier Primary School- OFSTED Taught 30mins daily and children are grouped by phase of learning. Using pure sounds and correcting incorrect pronunciation. (e.g t not tu) Continuously assessing the children’s phonic knowledge to ensure appropriate planning for intervention strategies. Spellings are linked to the phase’s that the children are in. This is to consolidate the phonics taught in school and then at home you can practice blending, segmenting and writing the words. Phonics is not the only way to read. There are words that just need to be recognised by sight. These will be learnt in school and sent home to practice as well. Phonics Screening (June 2016)
Reading in Year 1 Guided reading. Shared text reading. Shared story book time. Quiet reading time. Library.
Homework…. Reading Spelling/phonics/ handwriting Big Maths- counting in 2’s, 5’s 10’s number bonds to 10 and doubles to 20 Termly project linked to topic learning. Design a cape.
General P.E – 4x 30min sessions Parents meetings will start after Half-Term in November. Golden Time- Organised in children’s own class so no moving around. School times- Morning registration at 8:45AM and doors will be closed at 8:50. Name everything- jumpers, cardigans, bags and water bottle.