Galena HS 6th Annual Dining - In The Tradition Continues! When: Friday, 22 April, 5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Where: Galena HS Cafeteria What: Wear your Class “A” Uniform, No Hats Cost: $10.00 – Dinner and Entertainment
Overview What is a Dining- In? History Timeline Etiquette Rules of the Mess Special Guests
What Is A Dining-In? A Dining-In is formal military ceremony for members of a unit, which includes a dinner, drinks, and other events to foster camaraderie, esprit de corps and to perpetuate tradition.
Origination Many customs & traditions British in origin – “Guest Night” Pre-Christian Roman Legions – “Victory Feasts” King Arthur’s Knights – Knights of the Round Table
Timeline Receiving Line - Social Hour Posting the Colors Toasts/Grog Bowl Dinner Do not eat until the head table has been served. The President of the Mess (POM) will taste food, say it is fit for consumption, then you can eat. Entertainment Retiring the Colors
Receiving Line: 5:30 – 6:00
Social Time: 5:30 – 6:10 Talk, Socialize, Meet the Battalion
Posting Colors: 6:10
Toasts: 6:20
Mixing the Grog: 7:30
Grog Bowl Grog Bowl Ceremony Cavalry legend says soldiers would share whatever they had to drink with each other, ensuring each had a little to help him get through the tough times. They called it, Grog. Today, ingredients represent the spirit of our Battalion and our school. Seniors will mix the ingredients.
Etiquette What does this mean for a Dining-In? Simply put, use polite table manners and obey ALL of the rules listed in the Rules of the Mess.
President of the Mess = POM Big Cheese – Mr. President C/COL Nick Nelson
Fun Guy, The Enforcer! Ms. Vice C/CSM Briana Somma
Rules of the Mess Rules of the Mess are established in order to insure dignified conduct of the mess and related ceremonies. Violations of the established rules normally result in the assessment of a penalty as determined by the POM or Ms. Vice. Penalties may include trips to the grog bowl, singing a song, reciting a poem, telling a joke or some other action to entertain the mess.
Rules of the Mess Members who wish to report a violation will stand and raise their hand while announcing loudly “Ms. Vice, Ms. Vice, Point of Order.” Ms. Vice will select a member of the Mess and everyone else will sit down quietly. The selected member then states the Violation of the Mess he wishes to report.
Rules of the Mess The Cadet selected by Ms. Vice must first state their cadet rank and name before they continue reporting the violation. Example: “Ms. Vice, Cadet SGT Holly Wood. I observed Cadet CPT Herbie Hind clapping his hands instead of using his metal spoon to tap the table. This is a gross violation of the Grizzly Battalion Tradition and it totally disgusts me that he doesn’t care about our traditions.”
Rules of the Mess Breaking the Rules or Violations of the Mess Some are unique to this event, while others are common sense. If you wish to report a violation, bring it to the attention of Ms. Vice by calling, “ Point of Order.”
Rules of the Mess Ms. Vice may then ask for judgment from the POM or he may take appropriate action on his own. Judgment may be a trip to the Grog Bowl, singing a song, reciting a poem or some other punishment directed at entertaining the members of the Mess.
Rules of the Mess Thou shalt bring a personal metal spoon to the Dining-In. Metals spoons will be used in lieu of clapping (6 taps max) Thou shalt address C/Colonel Nick Nelson, President of the Mess (POM), as Mr. President. Thou shalt address C/Command Sergeant Major Briana Somma as Ms. Vice. Thou shalt not be tardy to any proceedings.
Rules of the Mess Thou shalt socialize with everyone during the social hour – not just thy normal friends. Thou shalt go through the Receiving Line, introduce yourself to the POM, shake hands with everyone in the line and not talk to other cadets while in the line. Thou shalt move to the mess quickly and go quietly to thy seat when thee hears the dinner bell and remain standing behind thy seat until seated by thy POM. Thou shalt not leave the mess without permission from Ms. Vice.
Rules of the Mess Thou shalt participate in all toasts unless thyself or thy group is honored with the toast. Thou shalt ensure thy glass is always charged when toasting. (The junior ranking cadet at thy table is responsible for refilling all glasses at thy table). Thou shalt not refill thy glass until it is completely empty.
Rules of the Mess Thou shalt not begin eating until everyone at the Head Table has been seated. Thou shalt place thy napkin on thy lap. Thou shalt make only positive comments about thy dinner.
Rules of the Mess Thou shalt use dinnerware properly. Thou shalt not chew with thy mouth open. Thou shalt not speak with thy mouth full. Thou shalt say please and thank you.
Rules of the Mess If a lady rises, all males at that table will rise and when she comes back all males will rise until she is seated. Ladies that abuse this privilege may be penalized by Ms. Vice. Thou shalt enjoy thyself to the fullest.
Entertainment: 7:30 Company Skits Talent Show Music & Dancing Clean Up
Special Guests
Have Fun!
6 th Annual Grizzly Dining-In Who: All JROTC Cadets (no dates) When: Friday, 22 April, 5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Where: Galena HS Cafeteria Why: Esprit De Corps Uniform: Class A’s, No Hats Cost: $10.00