Science and Thought Chapter 24 Part IV
The Triumph of Science Theoretical discoveries resulted in practical benefits, as in chemistry and electricity. Scientific achievements gave science considerable prestige.
The Triumph of Science Dmitri Mendeleev- Periodic Table Michael Faraday- discoveries in electromagnetism led to the discovery of the dynamo (Generator).
Social Science and Evolution Auguste Comte’s “positivism” presented the scientific method as the pinnacle of human intellectual achievement. His positivist method resulted in the discovery of the eternal laws of human nature
Positivism Is a philosophy of science based on the view that information derived from sensory experience, logical and mathematical treatments is the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge, that there is valid knowledge (truth) only in scientific knowledge. Verified data received from the senses is known as empirical evidence. This view, when applied to the social as to the natural sciences, holds that society operates according to general laws like the physical world. Introspective and intuitive knowledge is rejected.
Social Science and Evolution Charles Lyell- Geologist who discredited the earth’s surface had been created by biblical floods and earthquakes Jean Baptiste Lamark-asserted all life forms arose through a long process of continuous adjustments to their environment.. However his work was flawed bc he believed characteristics parents acquired throughout their lives were inherited by their children.
Charles Darwin Charles Darwin formulated his theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin argued that chance differences among members of the same species help some survive and others die
Social Darwinism Darwin's ideas were applied to social ideas such as the idea that the poor were weak and the wealthy were the “chosen” strong. Social Darwinists such as Herbert Spencer applied Darwin’s ideas to human affairs.
Realism in Literature The Realist movement in literature reflected the ethos of European society. This was an expression of writers who sought to depict life as it really was. Realism stressed the hereditary and environmental determinants of human behavior.
Realism in Literature Emile Zola- French writer who sympathized with socialists and wrote Germinal. Leo Tolstoy- Russian realist who wrote War and Peace.