OLDHAM LAA Feasibility Testing LAA Plus 26 th September 2007 John Eley Partnership Development Manager
Setting the context Greater Manchester City Region Borough of 217,000 people –86% white, 14% BME –Growing young and old population “King Cotton”, 1/7 th of all worldwide cotton at the end of the 19 th century 25% Peak National Park
Background Rnd 2 LAA Used to improve and rationalise partnership working Dedicated LSP Support Team ‘hosted’ by the Council Non-Council Chairs LSP Commissioning Framework for pooled monies
“The Oldham Partnership has made excellent progress and is one of the most improved LSPs. Strong and improving partnership working is evident across the Oldham Partnership, and played a big part in the development of their innovative Local Area Agreement.” (LSP Annual Review Report, July 2006)
LAA Driving Improved Service Delivery Arts House Fires Healthy Schools Smoking Cessation Homelessness Etc etc Green/Green performance rating But, growing concern about the national/local relationship
Approach to Feasibility Testing 1.Developing a story of place 2.Identifying a strategic theory of change 3.Transformational change 4.Road Testing the LAA (priorities and indicators) 5.Messages for Govt 6.Performance Indicator Exchange 7.Operational Guidance
A story of place Complex mosaic of issues Demographics Deprivation Housing Cohesion Economic Restructuring Constrained land bank Levers for Change: Culture, HE etc
Theory of Change “Increasing Life Opportunities for All” “Achieving the Sustainable Use of Resources”
Identifying the mechanisms for change Transformation of Process Co-ordinated deployment of resources & provision of services Envisage a hierarchy of indicators National/ local priorities Local priorities for improvement Performance monitoring Rationalisation of bureaucratic burden Single Pot welcomed
Identifying the mechanisms for change Commissioning multi-agency service delivery Enhanced VCS role Building on existing good practice Learning from others
Road Testing the LAA Worked thru Block Leads Included GONW & Audit Commission LAA expanded to incorporate transport & additional envtl outcomes & indicators 50 Tier 1 36 Tier 2 42 Tier 3
Messages for Govt 1.Bottom/up local/central process 2.Three year contracts with three year funding 3.Extension of stretch target concept 4.Mandatory indicators viewed as unhelpful 5.Clarity on funding (NDC, HMR, RDA) 6.Commissioning approach 7.Priority Places defined by Govt
Conclusions 1.Process was enormously helpful 2.Good relations with Cumbria and GONW – a shared NW perspective emerged 3.Feels like we’re shaping Govt policy 4.Oldham moving to an LAA with a single outcomes framework 5.Oldham transferring commissioning & programme management into the LSP 6.Success dependent on Govt finance decisions 7.Transformational change envisaged with implications for organisational design 8.Genuine opportunity to improve our localities in a transformational way could emerge