Summer Data Conference – June 6, 2013
(2008) National Completion Goals (Lumina’s Big Goal: 60% of those will have an Associate Degree or above by 2025) (2009) Mississippi’s Graduation Rate Task Force (2010) Education Achievement Council 60% Completions Goal Complete College America Report Card State Longitudinal Data System (2011) Productivity Funding (recommendation due to Legislature by 2013) 3
◦ Student enrollment by program type ◦ Degrees awarded by program type ◦ Cohort Success Graduates by program type, Transfers, Retained by program type, at 100%, 150% and 200% of time Progress (24 hours at the end of year two for PT students/42 hours at the end of year two for FT students; percentage of hours completed at end of years 1 and 2) ◦ Workforce development (placement of CTE grads, workforce training participants, licensure, credential recipients) ◦ Community Professional Development and Special Interest Enrollment ◦ Wage gains for all (credit programs by type, non-credit workforce training) ◦ ABE/GED (ABE enrolled, GEDs awarded, GED grads entered college ◦ College Readiness (Developmental Education) 4
The EAC shall research and develop a new funding mechanism for public community colleges and state institutions of higher learning based upon productivity goals and accomplishments as well as enrollment, and submit a report thereon with necessary legislation to the Governor and the appropriate committees of the Legislature on or before November 1, 2012, for consideration at the 2013 Regular Session. 5
Policymakers believe higher education budgets are disconnected from statewide priorities. They want higher education institutions to: ◦ Produce more graduates with two- and four-year degrees in high-demand fields; ◦ Focus on efficiently and cost effectively delivering education that meets the needs of state residents and local communities; and ◦ Shift away from paying only for enrollment and enrollment growth to paying for course and degree completion. 6
Tennessee found a small amount of funds (5 percent of the budget) had a large impact with all institutions showing positive learning gains. (Tennessee began performance funding in the early 1980s.) Florida Community Colleges found that while enrollments in community colleges increased by 18 percent, degrees and certificates increased by 43 percent from 1996 to (Performance funding began in 1997.) 7
The MCCB was contacted by Representative Toby Barker, on behalf of the House Appropriations Committee, to provide revised Targeted Performance Measures, to be considered for the Support Bill. (These are required as part of the Mississippi Performance Budget and Strategic Planning Act of 1994.) 10
In compliance with the "Mississippi Performance Budget and Strategic Planning Act of 1994," it is the intent of the Legislature that the funds provided herein shall be utilized in the most efficient and effective manner possible to achieve the intended mission of this agency. Based on the funding authorized, this agency shall make every effort to attain the targeted performance measures provided below
Rep. Barker specifically requested that the Performance Measures be revised to include some of the performance metrics proposed by the Community College Presidents. 12
◦ Cumulative grade point average of community college transfer students attending State Institutions of Higher Learning will equal or exceed the Grade Point Average earned by native students in the same university system (GPA based on a 4.0 scale) – 3.09 (recommend that target should be determined by cumulative native university student GPA) (EXISTING) ◦ Percentage of community & junior college associate degree nursing graduates who pass the state board nursing exam on the first write (%) (EXISTING) ◦ Percentage of career-technical students who complete or exit a program and are considered positively placed in employment/military, based on the federal Perkins Consolidated Annual Report (%) (EXISTING) 15
State funding per community college FTE shall be at the mid-level between K-12 and the regional universities - ($) 5,182 (NEW) Increase in the number of GEDs awarded (%) – 2.00 (NEW – from the MACJC Performance Funding Model and the Report Card) Increase in the number of credit degrees and certificates awarded (%) – 2.00 (NEW – from the MACJC Performance Funding Model and the Report Card) Increase in the number of workforce training contact hours (%) – 2.00 (NEW – from the MACJC Performance Funding Model and the Report Card) Increase in the number of unduplicated dual enrollment headcount (%) – 2.00 (NEW – from the MACJC Performance Funding Model and the MCCB eARS system) 16
Mid-level funding metric rejected. Developmental education success metric requested. 17
The number of developmental English/Math students (first-time entering, full-time) enrolling in English Composition I / College Algebra who complete English Composition I / College Algebra. ◦ 65.7% English and 71.3% Math The number of developmental English students (first- time entering, full-time) who complete English Composition I / College Algebra ◦ 42.2% English and 27.6% Math 18
20 MeasureBaselineFY 2014 Target 1) Increase in the number of GEDs awarded (%) – 2.00 (NEW – from the MACJC Performance Funding Model and page 2 of the Report Card, GEDs Awarded at Institution). 5, % (5,982) 2) Increase in the number of credit degrees and certificates awarded (%) – 2.00 (NEW – from the MACJC Performance Funding Model and page 1 of the Report Card, Total Degrees Awarded). 12, % (12,258) 3) Increase the licensure exam pass rate for those trained in jobs requiring state and/or national licensure (%) - (NEW – not from the MACJC Performance Funding Model, but on page 2 of the Report Card, Licensure Exam Pass Rates.) 92.20%92.50% 4) Increase the number of unduplicated dual enrollment headcount (%) - (NEW – from the MACJC Performance Funding Model. To be provided by MCCB eARS system, since page 1 of the Report Card lumps dual enrollment with all other non- degree seeking students). 2,066 (Based on Fall 2011 audited MCCB data.) 2.00% (2,107) 2014 Program Performance Indicators and Measures
21 MeasureBaselineFY 2014 Target 5) Increase in the number of developmental English students (first-time entering, full-time) enrolling in English Composition I who complete English Composition I (%) – 1.00 (NEW – from page 3 of Report Card. ) 76.5%78.00% 6) Increase in the number of developmental Math students (first- time entering, full-time) enrolling in College Algebra who complete College Algebra (%) – 1.00 (NEW – from page 3 of Report Card. 74.1%75.00% 7) Increase in the number of developmental English students (first-time entering, full-time) who complete English Composition I (%) – 1.00 (NEW – from page 3 of Report Card. Successfully Completing English Comp I ÷ Headcount in Developmental English their first year. Current report card percentage must be calculated from the numbers provided, but is 42.2%). 42.2%43.00% 8) Increase in the number of developmental Math students (first- time entering, full-time) who complete College Algebra (%) – 1.00 (NEW – from page 3 of Report Card. Successfully completing College Algebra ÷ Headcount in Developmental Math their first year Current report card percentage must be calculated from numbers provided, but is 27.6%). 27.6%29.00% 2014 Program Performance Indicators and Measures, Continued
Lots of new eyes on our data. ◦ National (Complete College America, Funders such as USDOE, Gates, Lumina, etc.) ◦ State (Governor, Legislature, other policy makers) ◦ Local (General Public, The Media) Data quality and data integrity are PARAMOUNT. Data must be audited for funding purposes. The work that you do is CRITICAL!! 22
Debra J. West, Ph.D. Deputy Executive Director, Programs and Accountability Mississippi Community College Board 3825 Ridgewood Road Jackson, MS Phone: