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North Dakota League of Cities Alternative Project Delivery September 17, 2016
Design-Bid-Build (DBB) Construction Manager / General Contractor (CMGC) (Similar to CM at Risk) Design-Build (DB) Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM) Design-Finance-Build-Operate-Maintain (DFBOM) Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Delivery Options: Public Works Projects
Typically led by governmental bodies. Public sector staff oversees project activities, including planning, engineering and construction. Activities proceed sequentially. Project development generally contracted to planning and engineering consultants. Engineering work (PS&E) is completed prior to soliciting construction bids. Construction procurement follows typical low-bid procedures. Generally financed by public taxes, fees or grants. Design-Bid-Build
Source: FHWA Every Day Counts Innovation Initiative Comparison of Delivery Methods: DBB
Involves “alliancing,” a popular project delivery scheme in Australia, UK, etc. Agency contracts with an engineering firm as designer of record. Agency selects a construction manager/general contractor (CM/GC) for the project to provide design input and act as owner’s representative. Agency retains designer and CM/GC, and facilitates a “marriage” for project development. CM/GC and Agency negotiate guaranteed construction price (GMP) as design is finalized. CM/GC completes construction Construction Manager / General Contractor
Source: FHWA Every Day Counts Innovation Initiative Comparison of Delivery Methods: CMGC
Planning and conceptual engineering (15%- 35%) completed by agency/consultants. Final design and construction carried out by single contractor, with single contract. Engineering and construction activities proceed in parallel, rather than sequentially. DB bidding may be “low-bid” or “best- value.” Transfers interface risk between design and construction from owner/agency to DB contractor. Design-Build
Source: FHWA Every Day Counts Innovation Initiative Comparison of Delivery Methods: DB
Similar to DB, but contractor is also responsible for operating/maintaining system for specified period in addition to design and construction. Contractor may hold responsibility for procuring and commissioning rolling stock. Provides “implied warranty” between system constructor and system operator. Transfers interface risk between design/ construction and operations/maintenance from agency to contractor. Design-Build-Operate- Maintain
Comparison of Delivery Methods: DBOM
Similar to DBOM, but contractor arranges and/or provides financing for construction through private capital markets. Contractor typically repaid through “availability payments” or similar mechanism, guaranteed by owner/agency. Transfers financing risk from agency to contractor, in addition to design, construction and operation risk. Design-Finance-Build- Operate-Maintain
Comparison of Delivery Methods: DBFOM
Closest method to complete privatization. Agency selects contractor (“concessionaire”) Responsibility for designing, financing, constructing, operating/maintaining system is transferred from agency to concessionaire. Concessionaire may accept revenue risk in addition to DBOM risks. Transfers virtually all risks from owner/agency to private sector. Common delivery method in Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. Build-Operate-Transfer
Comparison of Delivery Methods: BOT
Relationship Between Private Sector Involvement and Risk
Source: Duke Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness, US Bus Rapid Transit Research, July 2012 Comparison of Delivery Methods
South Mountain Freeway Project Programmed $1.77 billion Publicly financed 40% federal funding, 60% regional funding State administered – federally assisted Design-Build-Maintain o 18-month procurement o 3.5-year construction duration o 30-year maintenance duration Arizona DOT P3 Program Management
South Mountain Freeway Project Adot P3 Program Management
Cost and Schedule Certainty Open to traffic 3 years faster $200 million to $300 million under budget Largest known piece of Regional Transportation Plan Freeway Program Maricopa Association of Governments (local MPO) able to confidently rebalance program Maintenance 30-year maintenance program makes life-cycle performance a major focus during design and construction Hand-back provisions provide insurance ADOT will receive a high-quality facility in 30 years P3 Delivery Method Benefits
Sioux Falls, SD I-229 Design-Build Project Limits Complete reconstruction of mainline Added auxilarry lanes between interchanges Project cost: $33 million
Cost and Schedule Certainty South Dakota had/has enabling legislation in place Project completed in 24 Months (Contractor award to completion) o Scheduled allowed for 30 months Typical SDDOT schedule = 8 years for Design/Bid/Build Used to deliver overall program for interstate system around Sioux Falls o I-29 scheduled for major reconstruction from I- 90 south to 26 th Street (5.5 Miles) o Needed truck detour Strict Quality Control on design and construction. 3 Teams bid (1 disqualified at time of package review) Design-Build Method Benefits
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