Fronts Interface (Boundary) between 2 air masses Colder air mass begins to wedge under the warmer air mass Fronts are always a sign of a change in the weather Fronts are always associated with On a weather map, fronts extend from the LOW pressure Center of the Low
Low pressure Warm front Cold front mT cP L
Cold Front Cold air is MORE dense than warm air so cold air displaces warm air Steep slope Moves quickly Showery precipitation (doesn’t last long) cP air mass mT air mass
Conditions before a cold front Warm More ______________ Winds usually from ______________ direction Pressure ____________ humid southerly decreases
Conditions after the cold front cold Air is more_____ Winds usually from ______________ direction Pressure ____________ drier North west increases
Vertical clouds Cumulus Towering Cumulus Cumulonimbus (thunderstorm)
Warm Front Warm air is LESS dense than cooler air so warm air rises up and over the cool air Gentle slope Extended hours of precipitation mT cP
Conditions before a warm front cool Winds usually from ______________ direction easterly
Conditions after a warm front warm Winds usually from ______________ direction southerly
Cirrus Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus High level clouds
Mid-level clouds Altocumulus Altostratus
Stratus Nimbostratus Low-Level Clouds
Occluded Front Faster, colder air overtakes slower, warm air Warm air is forced up off the ground Extended hours of precipitation
Stationary Front Neither air mass is moving Cold and warm air Precipitation similar to warm front