DescriptionKey teaching Points 1.Start position. Feet shoulder width apart. Body upright back straight, chest high shoulders back. (Dumbbell in each hand, with you arms by your side.) 2.Take step forwards holding upper body upright. Bending knees. Don't lean forward at any stage. 3.Go down until knees reach an angle of 90 degrees. Back knee should be directly under your hip and off the floor Targeted muscles hamstrings, quadriceps and gluteus maximus Fitness component strength 1Feet shoulder width apart Body upright back straight chest high Dumbbell on the side of body 2 Step forward hold upper body upright Shoulders squarely over your hips. As your foot touches the floor, bend both knees until your left thigh is parallel to the floor Your right heel will be off the floor. No leaning forward 3 Knees at 90 degrees. Back knee directly under hip not on floor. Return to start position Exhale and press off the ball of your foot, stepping back into the starting position, and repeat, alternating legs. Inhale when stepping back
DescriptionKey teaching Points 1.Select weight and sit on the machine. Adjust moving arm so it is under your ankles and doesn't slide up your calves. Position the lap pad on knees. 2.Bring the moving arm back in a smooth motion to contract your hamstrings fully, then return it under control to the start position. Keep your back stable against the sit Targeted muscles hamstrings Fitness component Strength Back always against pad Align knee joint with the machines pivot point Place ankle on pad of moving arm 2 Keep the pad behind your ankles Bring moving pad back in smooth action EXHALE: Slowly bend at the knees to "curl" your heels down towards your buttocks. INHALE: Slowly straighten knees to return to the start position to complete one rep.
DescriptionKey teaching points Set up 1. When adjusting back pad you must adjust it so your knee is coming over the pad you are seated on. When adjust ankle pad you must adjust pad to be fitted just above your ankle bottom of shin. Toes must be pointed up. Select weight and back against the pad. 2. Using a controlled movement and no jerking bring your lower leg up while pressing your back and buttocks against the pad. 3. Continue the movement until your legs are parallel to the floor. Exhale and relax allowing your legs to return to starting position. Inhale on way down. Targeted muscles: quadriceps Fitness component : Strength Bring legs up using controlled movement. No jerking. Exhale when lifting weight. Head straight. Hold onto handles. Pause at top for a second
DescriptionKey teaching point Step 1: Stand feet shoulder width apart straight back and arms straight out in front Step 2: Lower your self. sit down like you are on an imaginary seat Lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor with your knees over your ankles. Keep the lower back flat but arched and push your buttocks out behind you and bend your knees Targeted muscles: Quadriceps, gluteals (gluteus maximus, medias and minimus) and hamstrings. Fitness component: Strength Feet shoulder width apart Toes pointed 30 degrees slightly out Straight head look forward Do not let your knees move in front of your toes Do not squat deeper than a 90 degree (right angle) at the knee Inhale on way down Exhale when pushing up Return to the starting position
DESCRIPTIONKEY TEACHING POINTS Kneel on all fours with the hands a little wider than shoulder width Straighten your legs out behind you so that your weight is distributed between your hands and toes Bend the elbows outwards to lower the chest towards the floor Push back up to the starting position Muscles worked Pectoralis Major Triceps Brachii Deltoid Hands a little wider than shoulder width Back straight Legs straight Head looking slightly ahead Tight abs Be on toes Breathe in on the way down Breathe out on the way up
DescriptionKey teaching points Pick a couple of dumbbells and stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells on front of your thighs at arms length with the palms of the hand facing your thighs. This will be your starting position. While maintaining the torso stationary (no swinging), lift the left dumbbell to the front with a slight bend on the elbow and the palms of the hands always facing down. Continue to go up until you arm is slightly above parallel to the floor. Exhale as you execute this portion of the movement and pause for a second at the top. Inhale after the second pause. Now lower the dumbbell back down slowly to the starting position as you simultaneously lift the right dumbbell. Continue alternating Start Start feet shoulder width apart straight torso and straight legs Both dumbbell in front resting against thighs with palms facing your thighs Lifting Maintain straight torso and legs Bring one weight shoulder height with slight bent elbow and palms facing down Exhale as lifting weight inhale when lowering No jerking
ExerciseKey teaching points Concentr ation Curl Preparation Sit on bench. Grasp dumbbell between feet. Place back of upper arm to inner thigh. Hold dumbbell with arm extended above the floor. Lean into leg to raise elbow slightly. Execution Raise dumbbell to front of shoulder. Lower dumbbell until arm is fully extended. Repeat. Targeted muscles biceps brachii and brachialis Brace your self against your knee with non weight hand. When brining weight up point your elbow straight down When bringing weight up lean your torso slightly forward Bring weight up to a 45 degree angle Raising dumbbell exhale and when lowering inhale
DescriptionKey teaching points Preparation Stand shoulder width apart Knee slightly bent Position one dumbbell overhead with both hands under inner plate (heart shaped grip). Execution With elbows overhead, keep upper arm still and next to ears bend elbows Lower the weight behind your head until your forearms are just past parallel to the floor. Raise dumbbell overhead by extending elbows while Return and repeat. Fee shoulder width apart Hold dumbbell directly over head two hands Looking forward Keep upper arm still Lower weight until for arms are just past parallel to floor Breath in when lower down Breath out when extend arms above head
DescriptionKey teaching points Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand, palm facing your body, upper arm parallel to your body. Push the dumbbell back by extending your elbow and allow it to slowly return after a short pause. Keep your upper arm still throughout. Targeted muscles triceps brachii and anconeus Keep your upper arm in line with your back Keep your upper body almost parallel to the floor Hold weight with overhand grip
DescriptionKey teaching points Client have to gloves on Personal trainer has pads The client has to do jabs 10 on the right then ten on left. 20 seconds break Targeted muscles :Deltoids, biceps, triceps and pectorals and lats. Stand one foot forward Aim for centre of the pad Breath in when you don’t hit Arm punching same leg forward Fist relaxed clench hands make a fist thumbs out of fist Exhale when hit Jab teaching points: elbow in tight twist at end every time you take a punch you step. Step back. Toes pointed at the target. Come out vertical and twist elbows does not fly up.
DescriptionKey teaching points To start, your legs must be bent at 90 degrees and your feet are either flat or with heels on the ground. Your feet can be either held or anchored. Keep your arms straight with the palms of your hands on top of your legs. Your chin should be as close to your chest bone as comfortable. To sit-up, keep your hands in contact with your legs until your wrists come to the top of your knee caps. When your wrists reach this position, lower to the start position. This should take 3 seconds and is counted as one sit-up. Legs bent 90 degrees Flat or heels on ground Don’t lift feet Arms straight Hands touch knees Breath in when going down Breath out going up
DescriptionKey teaching points Get in the pushup position, only put your forearms on the ground instead of your hands. Your elbows should line up directly underneath your shoulders. Toes on the ground. Squeeze your glutes and tighten your abdominals. Keep a neutral neck and spine. Create a straight, strong line from head to toes – a plank, if you will. Hold that position. Fitness components Strength and muscle endurance Targeted muscles abdominals and trapezius. Elbows directly underneath your shoulder Toes on ground Neutral neck and spine Look down at the ground Straight strong line from head to toes Do not let hips or bottom sag Breathing should be deep, forceful and rhythmic (~10 to 15 breaths per minute)
DescriptionKey teaching points Running on a treadmill Fitness components Long runs= cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance Sprints= Speed Muscles worked The “primary” ones used in running include quadriceps femoris, hamstring, gluteus maximus, iliopsoas and the calf muscle quadriceps femorishamstringgluteus maximusiliopsoascalf muscle The “Supporting” Muscles Biceps brachii, upper abdominals and lower abdominals Nice straight arms Slight lean forward Feet straight Long runs Breath slowly when inhaling while taking a 3-4 numbers of strides and breath slowly when exhaling while taking 3-4 strides Sprints Take 2 strides and breath in and then take 2 strides and breath out Cardiovascular workout
Set upKey teaching points Set up: stand next to bike make sure seat in line with hips Seat slightly tilted forward Handle bars higher then seat and when you sit on the bike your arms, back and shoulders should be relaxed when you stretch out and grab handle bars Resistance: do not set too high so you can not pedal as this can cause knee injuries Muscles worked: Glutes, hip flexors, quadriceps, calves and hamstrings. Keeping your body upright as you pedal strengthens your abdominals and obliques. Fitness components: cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance and strength Sprints: speed While riding, engage your core and make sure that you move your hips When you pedal, think of pedalling in squares. This means to push your foot forward on the top section of the square and down against the front side. Along the bottom, act like you are scraping mud off the bottom of your shoe. Finally, pull up the backside of the square. Cardiovascular workout workout
Description Key teaching points Using a skipping rope swing the rope around in two hands and try and jump it. Fitness components: Cardiovascular endurance Muscle strength Muscular endurance Body composition (lean body mass) Targeted muscles: Lowe body calves, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes Upper body: Deltoids biceps triceps and pec’s Core: abdominals Jump on the Balls of your feet Heels don’t touch the ground Don’t Jump too High, Relax Don’t Swing your Arms/Shoulders too Much Jumping rope is all in the wrists. Hands Slightly Above Waistline Cardiovascular workout workout
DescriptionKey teaching points Take a few deep breaths. As you exhale, lift your left foot off the ground and place it on top of the step. Next, lift your right foot off the ground and use the muscles in your legs and core to lift this foot to the top of the bench. Carefully step your right foot back to the ground, followed by your left foot. Repeat this process Progression add dumbbells Targeted muscles: gluteus maximus muscle, quadriceps, gastrocnemius, Stabilizing muscles :hamstrings, trapezius and abdominals Fitness components: strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance Stand in front of the step, with your feet facing forward and spaced approximately one foot apart. Stand as tall as possible, and look slightly down at the step in front of your body. Exhale as you lift you leg Inhale when you step down
Set up rowing machine Adjust foot height Set up weight you lift Fitness components Cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance and strength Muscles worked Seat underneath body Arms straight, Bent knees and core tight (catch position) Straighten legs and pull row in chest. Bring arms in and away from the body. Breath out when pulling weight Breath in when returning to start position Row slowly not to fast The catch The recovery The finish The drive